Post 748: a bored kitty finds something to do…

I guess I’ve not paid Andy enough attention today because he’s exhibiting bored kitty behavior, specifically tearing up a magazine.

Andy's resting now, or should I say "finally"! He's been very busy this afternoon.

Andy’s resting now…or should I say “finally”! He’s been very busy this afternoon.

What a mess!

What a mess! “Idle paws are the devil’s workshop.”

I guess knocking over wastepaper baskets wasn’t enough naughtiness for today. Probably wound up still from the two new boxes the UPS person delivered and he and Dougy got to explore earlier.

Post 747: Andy’s ready…where’s everyone else!?

Poor Andy! He’s in a mood to play. He’s carried the wand string toy into the living room and started the yowl the boys use to call each other to come out and play. But Dougy’s not cooperating! What’s a kitty to do?

Andy can't believe Dougy's  not running into the living room to join "The Andy & Dougy Game"...!

Andy can’t believe Dougy’s not running into the living room to join “The Andy & Dougy Game”…!

Andy and Dougy don’t know it yet, but there is a scheduled UPS delivery today, which means new boxes! If the day’s started off flat, it definitely will pick up later.