Post 1044: Dougy sits high on the walker…

Both Andy and Dougy love to sit on my walker. Both even let me push them around on it, which surprised me. But today, as an experiment, I decided to see if they would use it for backdoor bird watching. Andy didn’t; Dougy did. I think the main problem was both didn’t want to be on the seat at the same time.

Dougy checks out the fir tree, a reliable "bird station".

Dougy checks out the fir tree, a reliable “bird station”.

"Hmm! Not much happening in tghe fir tree...!"

“Hmm! Not much happening in the fir tree…!” Dougy regroups his thoughts about where to look next.

Suddenly, a bird song to the left!

Suddenly, a bird song to the left! Dougy hunkers down. This may be what he’s waiting for!

It flew into the apple tree! Dougy's excited now!

It flew into the apple tree! Dougy’s excited now! (His “horns” are up!)

The first Western kingbird of the season! If Dougy were outside, the kingbird would have a fit!

The first Western kingbird of the season! If Dougy were outside, the kingbird would have a fit! (And Dougy might have a snack…!)