Post 1117: WordPress issues uploading photos…

I have another technical problem to work through. I’ve called in the happy folks at WordPress to get relief from a problem uploading photos from my computer to this site.

Since everyone expects kitty photos with the text, I feel, well, stripped without new photos that upload. With apologies, then, I post these photos from my media file to plug the time till – soon, I hope – photos can be uploaded to my WordPress media file again:

Andy was so ugly he was cute!

Andy the kitten was so ugly he was cute!

This isn't one of the lost photos. It is, however, a cute one of Dougy waiting to be scritched.

Dougy adores me, though this look is one of anticipation as he demands those fingers on the right scritch him!

"You got it right, human!"

“You got it right, human!” Andy flips the bird at me! (I think…..)

The paparazzo, finally satiated, takes one last photo of his victime. Dougy final;ly gets to enjoy a little peace and quiet on Caturday!

Dougy finally gets to enjoy a little peace and quiet!