Post 1145: the kitty brothers love, love, love our visitors from Seattle…!

My sister and friend visited from Seattle over the long weekend. We ate too much, crammed a lot into the short visit (including a trip up to Rapid City to visit our other sister), talked, laughed, and shared kitty stories since we all have cats. 91316 andy cleans precious on his box 2.jpg

Andy and Dougy, too, enjoyed the visit since Kathy and Sid already met them when they were here another time. The boys love, love, love them! And why wouldn’t they? They got lots of kitty attention, extra play, and all the petting and scritching a kitty could want.

Kathy caught Andy on his new favorite box.


Kathy caught Dougy at the “feeding trough”! LOL! Chubby kitty!
