Post 634: Monaka the kitten learns to play

Japanese cat videos are a vice of mine, and the uploader of this video — Ametakan — is one of my favorites because she rescues cats and helps strays in a local park survive the vicissitudes of neglect and abandonment.

Was that cute or what!?

Post 633: Oh no! Time’s a-wasting!

Andy ambled by to check the birds in the fir tree, he said. I knew, though, he had an ulterior purpose.

Andy ambled by to check the birds in the fir tree, he said. I knew, though, he had an ulterior purpose.

>lick! lick! lick!<              "You finished with the blog on blogs yet, Doug (the human one)?"

>lick! lick! lick!<
“You guys finished with the blog on blogs yet, Doug (the human one)?”
