Post 705: Tigger the cat dies at age 13 of heart disease.

Tigger was one of the first two or three Japanese video cats I fell in love with. A beautiful cat with light green eyes, he was a comedian, a good sport. tigger

I’ve attached a memorial video his owner posted. Though it is long, it is beautifully realized, a loving tribute to a beloved pet. Tigger was a lucky kitty to be cared for and loved so much!

RIP, Tigger. I loved you, too.

49 thoughts on “Post 705: Tigger the cat dies at age 13 of heart disease.

  1. There is something magical about eyes in animals as well as people,a lot of my art work is inspired because of eyes,this cats eyes are truly a story just waiting to be told,it’s always a great loss when an animal is gone,I’ve been there.

    • Who hasn’t wished for the ability to talk with an animal and get its point of view? (That, of course, is the magic of the Dr. Doolittle book. I haven’t seen the film, so can’t speak to that.)

    • Me, too. It’s bad enough when they are my “children”, but I get sad when they are other people’s pets, too. I guess we all know how that other person feels at the loss of a beloved pet, regardless of species.

      • Well, most of the cat owners have had cats before and can relate. Cats are with us for over a decade – and that means they become family members. Add to that the huge personality each cat has – and you have a huge hole in your life. When Mashka died in 2011 I was suffering, too, and I don’t know for how Iong my Tom still stays around – he has a heart condition and does not take his medicine. Not half as sweet as Andy, but twice his size … there is no way I get the medication inside this cat,when he does not cooperate. And force him is out of the question – would worsen his heart condition.

        • If I had to give Andy a pill, it’d never happen. As it is, getting his medicine in a tuna-flavored liquid form doesn’t make it any easier. There are days he manages to avoid me (which I hate! he shouldn’t feel fear of me), then there are more days when I use his weakness for an open door (he has to see what’s out there…!) of other things to catch him. Like you,. I don’t like to make it a big, stressful thing for Andy because the medicine is for a high blood pressure problem. With it, it’s in control. Without it, the elevated blood pressure can blind him, it’s that important to make sure he gets the medicine.

          Is there something you cat finds fascinating you could use as a means to catch him? I’ve found that Andy gives in quickly if I corner him and put my walking cane in his path, but that may be a personality thing with him or a characteristic of his breed. Even though he doesn’t fight me once I catch him, he lets out a protest yowl as soon as he knows he’s about to get the medicine…then he takes it like a big boy! Of course, your cat sounds like he’d be more of a handful at twice Andy’s size. I know Louie (the cat I had before the boys) was nearly 24 pounds/ 10.82kg big, and I doubt I could have wrestled him down to give him medicine if he needed it. Fortunately, I never had to give him medicine.

          Good luck with figuring out how to give Tom his medicine. I’ve tried the trick of grinding a pill in a mortar and pestle and putting it on their food. That was almost as poor a method as not giving them medicine at all because they are terrible food wasters, especially if they don’t like the look or scent of it once it’s medicated….!

          • Same here, I tried several sorts of treats, but FunTom is very particular – he only likes kibbles. No tuna-paste, no other wet-paste, none of those salami-like cat treats … I have tried everything. I even tried a liquid form – but spilling it on his fur had only ever the effect of him avoiding to come near me the third time I tried to. And he has 7 kg (is allowed to have 6,5 from the vet-point-of-view – that is how tall he is). When I round him up for vet-visits, he pees underneath himself – that is how stressed he is. To do that for daily medicine doses is a nono.

          • Those pill pockets sound like about the only thing you haven’t tried yet. I hope others have some suggestions to help you out. Trying to medicate one’s kitty without stressing him out is a big job, I know! Does he like to be held? I know Andy likes having his shoulders massaged while I tell him he’s a good boy (which he is!). I also rub his tummy just before I give him his medicine, waiting till I feel his tension diminish. (I hold him like a baby, on his back, in the crook of my arm.) Best wishes on solving this problem. Andy is a bit like your cat, just not as stressed out that he pees. I’ve worked for months to come up with ways of making him feel less stressed if I pick him up (“Most times, you won’t get medicine, Andy! I just want to give you some loving!” I know that he loves to have his nose rubbed, which I can do without picking him up. All of this is meant to help him gradually feel less stress when I medicate him. Like your kitty, it makes no sense to stress out a cat with high blood pressure to give him medicine to control high blood pressure!

          • FunTom does not appreciate being held. He sleeps right next to me right now. When I go to bed, he follows, dutyfully warming my feet, like a good male should *though this one lies on the blanket* When I get up in the morning, he follows me onto the couch. He loves me. When I had to stay elsewhere for some nights he hid from the cat-sitter (a friend of mine he usually is ok with when I am there). And he is totally shy and heart-broken and very cautiously sniffes when I return, at my fingers to see if it is really me.

          • How sweet! He sounds like a very lovable and loyal kitty.

            Neither Andy nor Dougy is really happy being held for much than a short time, though Andy generally tolerates being held longer than his brother. (Must be those shoulder massages I give him! Ha!)

          • Thaqt works if you have a cat that is a good eater. My boys tend to piddle around in their food, oftentimes leaving almost as much as they eat. That’s why I asked about getting medicine in liquid form. I hope franhunne4u finally finds a way to give her cat his medicine, but her comment tells me she has a big job ahead of her.

          • Same with Andy. He and Dougy share a plate, though their shares are on opposite sides of the plate. You know I have to divide the food down to the exact same amount, of course, or get kitty whining! One supplement Dougy’s supposed to get (Lysine) Andy can have, too, though he has less need for it. In that case, they both get it mixed in their wet food.

  2. I am not good at taking death’s of pets. I feel a lot for them. I lost my first cat, Toogy at 13 years from Bladder infection. And the surgery was jeapodized by the Vet hospital. The whole drama made me very very sad. Soon after we got Coco, who has captured my heart, and demands my attention.

    • Tigger was a Japanese cat. I never met his owner or him, just enjoyed the videos over the past several years. That said, I still feel very sad for Tigger’s human companion because the videos showed Tigger was a much beloved part of his family.

    • I agree. Sometimes I wish I could be less connected to other peoples’ pets, but you get to know them through blogs, Facebook, videos, etc., then realize how much the dog, cat, horse, etc. means to those people. It’s hard not to become sad when they die or worry when they are suffering difficult illnesses, just as it is impossible not to enjoy their filmed antics and their natural beauty and personalities in the best of times.

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