Post 697: In which Andy is mentioned in a comment, and that leads to his capture!

Susan P of the always charming blog  (link at end of post…!) commented in response to Post 695, ” Cats are definitely wily. And fast.”

I responded back, “And how! [Andy’s on the top of the recliner, just behind me and within grabbing distance….! He hasn’t been medicated yet this morning. I’m thinking a quick grab and I have the little fart. He’s receiving my brain waves over his whisker receivers, and processing the plan as I type…! Will I catch him and get medicine down his throat…or will he get away and hide the rest of the day, knowing I’m on the prowl? Stay tuned!]”

 Andy tried to wiggle free...!

Andy tried to wiggle free…

...but if I have to be iun the dang photo, he has no choice but to pose nicely. Well, as nicely as a hostage can!

…but if I have to be in the dang photo, he has no choice but to pose nicely. Well, as nicely as a hostage can! We were not happy!

Captured, photographed in his shame, dosed, massaged and reassured, Andy was released to spend the rest of the day munching his treats for being a good boy or to do whatever he wishes!

I dedicate today’s blog to Susan. If she hadn’t brought up the issue of wiliness in cats, I wouldn’t have felt challenged to capture Andy at that moment, and this would have been a totally different post, most likely one damning a Congress that held 315,000,000 Americans hostage over funding the Department of Homeland Security, tens of millions more than the “Islamist Terrorists of ISIS” imperil. Yeah, not as fun as a kitty post.

Post 696: My “backyard” is a mysterious place…

No kitties today, just a new video showing a local attraction, Carhenge. I live about three miles  (about 4.8 km) south of it.

My favorite comment left at the site, by an English visitor: “We have one like this in England.”


Post 695: in which Andy thinks twice before fleeing…

Andy thought he outwitted me today when I came looking for him to give him his medicine. Yep! That he did! And he did, but just for a short time.

Cleverly, I ignored Andy after the first missed opportunity, when he ran into my bedroom and sneaked under my bed…!

A few minutes later, I opened the front door. It’s only 9°F (-12.8°C) at the moment, so an open door isn’t a good idea! Unless, of course, you know it will attract Andy and Dougy for a snoop and sniff session! In no time, Andy was mine, mine, mine, and flopped over on his back with a medicine syringe in his mouth!

Today, I won! Mwahahahaha!

I let Andy down and he ran to the broken computer chair.

I let Andy down and he ran to the broken computer chair.

Andy became alert, looked my way...!

Andy became alert, looked my way when I approached the chair…! He wanted to flee…again!

“Silly kitty,” I said. “You’ve had your medicine and treats, so you are free to be a kitty the rest of the day. Now, pose nicely for your fans in Blogotania!”

So Andy posed nicely for everyone!  Good kitty!

So Andy posed nicely for everyone!
Good kitty!

In the meantime, Dougy made hay while the sun shined, and went on a snoop to the top of Andy’s happy place: the blue carrier.

Can you believe that Dougy?!

Can you believe that Dougy?! This is what he did while Andy posed nicely.

Sniffing away, and Andy's just in front of the settee on the broken computer chair, an arm's length away!

Sniffing away, and Andy’s just in front of the settee on the broken computer chair, an arm’s length away!

Post 694: takes one to know one.. a sneak attack on Andy

Remember this photo from yesterday? That’s Andy giving me that “don’t think you have me cornered, bub!” look that tells me he is ready to escape and evade everything from his daily dose of medicine to a little “wuvving”.

Solar powered?  Can you have any doubts?

Andy challenges me to catch him with this look….

He can be a rascal to pin down, as anyone following this blog knows.

Andy resting after he and Dougy chased each other.

Andy, on another day, resting on arm of the recliner.

Yes, today Andy was resting on the arm of the recliner, not paying attention to me, quietly grooming his paws and face, when I snatched him up and took him into the dining room to give him his daily dose of medicine! Woo hoo!

So he is medicated for the day. He will learn quickly, if he hasn’t already, that “medicine time” moved from noonish to breakfast time because he managed to escape and evade his daily dose too frequently at the later time.

Sorry, Andy, but it looks like you have to take medicine for life. Yeah, I’m thrilled, too! 🙁

Post 693: solar kitty…

Someone correctly identified cats as being “solar-powered”. 

Andy soaks in the sun.

Andy soaks in the sun.

Solar powered?  Can you have any doubts?

Solar-powered? Can you have any doubts?

Post 692: Andy hides in plain view…

After hiding all day, Andy suddenly appeared on top of my computer.

After hiding all day, Andy suddenly appeared on top of my computer. He missed getting his medicine. Now it’s too late in the day…!

Post 689: snip it…!

Andy and Dougy got an early Christmas present when they were about five and a half months old: A trip to the veterinarian to be neutered.

Andy taking care of business...!

Andy taking care of business…!

So, I left the boys at the veterinarian’s, and picked them up a bit later.

When I opened the carrier at home, I expected the boys to wobble out, wounded and stitched and wearing little Elizabethan collars. Instead, they bounded out, no collars or stitches, happy to be home and free. They ran all over the house, chasing each other, then taking well-deserved naps.

For the boys, neutering wasn’t a difficult time, and they showed no signs of discomfort.

Would I do this again? Of course. I believe in neutering or spaying one’s pets. It’s the humane thing to do, the smart thing to do.