Post 751: out of steam…

Sometimes the boys and I just run out of steam. Today was such a time, and we all spent most of the morning sleeping…!

Andy woke up long enough to see I was taking his photo, then he went back to sleep. Good move!

Andy woke up long enough to see I was taking his photo, then he went back to sleep. Good move!

He scrunched the towel on the floor in front of the shower into a cat-perfect nest.

In news, we got a new neighbor across the lane. They are old neighbors, actually, who moved back to town. Though we are happy to see them again, they replace the neighbor who put out birdseed That neighbor’s largesse provided the boys hours of bird watching fun out the dining room window.

Oh, and the new neighbors have a car, so the old problem of too many cars, not enough parking spaces raises its nasty head again. I wouldn’t have moved here almost 11 years ago if I’d guessed how often parking would become an issue. The old neighbor didn’t drive.

My mail carrier may have scared off Dougy. I didn't hear her coming, but Dougy surely did, and I gratefully accepted the mail from this poor, frozen servant of the people. That';s her trudging up an incline covered in another drift across the lane. My neighbor gets a big drift the length of the ramp up to her front door.

The manager of the apartments thinks there’s room for one more car in this parking space. A cold day in hell, I say: I need to be able to open my door all the way to get out because of mobility issues. My body just doesn’t allow tight parking spaces, so I’d have to park in the drift on the far left and the other two cars’d have to crunch closer together. (That’s my Chevrolet next to the person in the photo, so you can see I’d go from the most favorable spot to the least favorable spot to accommodate the new neighbors’ car. The sidewalk to my apartment is to the right of that yellow pole , so the distance I’d have to walk is doubled parking in the “new” spot.) 

I’ve toyed with putting in my application for a handicapped parking permit for some time, but haven’t gone ahead with it for two reasons: 1. I’m too proud to admit I am in shape bad enough to qualify, and, 2. many of the handicapped parking spots actually are farther from the main doors of the businesses featuring them than other parking spots for the general population, so there’s no advantage to someone who has problems walking distances.

On the other hand, if I apply for one and get it — I’m in worse shape than many of those I see using them! — the parking issue at my apartment becomes one with some interesting legal ramifications if my needs can’t be accommodated. An interesting conundrum.

Post 750: “A Tale of Two Kitties”…or…”Mi Casa es MI Casa!”

Before this happened, though, Andy had to spend some time alone with the prized boxes, and that was possible because Dougy decided to leave the area

Dougy marked his favorite box by scratching it, but both kitty boys had a box when you last saw them.

Before this happened, though, Andy spent some time alone with the prized boxes, and that was possible because Dougy decided to leave the area “for kitty reasons”. (Who knows?)

Andy bravely checks out the smaller box, the one Dougy didn't mark.

Andy bravely checks out the smaller box, the one Dougy didn’t mark.

Sniff! Sniff!

Sniff! Sniff!

Under the watchful eye of Dougy, Andy makes a decision to check out the smaller box. It's a better choice for a cat anyway: Tight is best!

The smaller box is a better choice for a cat anyway: Tight is best! Andy’s made up his mind.

Woohoo! A good, really good fit!

Woo hoo! A good, really good fit! Dougy seems a bit blase about Andy’s discovery.

Andy checks out the possibilities for his new box. It's a comfortable fit, he can tell!

Andy checks out the possibilities for his new box. It’s a comfortable fit, he can tell!

All this drama's made Andy sleepy!

All this drama’s made Andy sleepy!

Of course, it's so quiet. Where's that Dougy and what's up with him?! (Andy knows better than to get too comfortable!)

Of course, it’s so quiet. Where’s that Dougy and what’s up with him?! (Andy knows better than to get too comfortable!)

The main thing is Andy now has claim to the smaller box. Dougy's still oblivious to the implications: He left the area so now he has to share one box with his brother!

The main thing is Andy now has claim to the smaller box. Dougy’s still oblivious to the implications: He left the area so now he has to share one box with his brother!

All in all, the box delivery is a success, with both kitty brothers getting a box of his own.

Post 749: Oh boy! Boxes!

Nothing gladdens a kitty’s heart more than new boxes, and the UPS delivery person made two very happy kitties by bringing two new boxes to the house.

Andy and Dougy can'ty believe their good luck! Two new boxes! All there's left to do is sort out who gets which one or who gets both.

Andy and Dougy can’t believe their good luck! Two new boxes! All there’s left to do is sort out who gets which one… or who gets both.

Dougy hops right to it.

Dougy hops right to it.

Dougy's first one in!

Dougy’s the first one in, and Andy has to wait his turn, if Dougy lets him have one!

Dougy hears something outside: Another box delivery? (No, false alarm.)

Dougy hears something outside: Another box delivery? (No, false alarm.)

Back to business! Can't let Andy have a shot at the boxes!

Back to business! Can’t let Andy have a shot at the boxes!

And Andy has been thinking about taking over!

And Andy sees the boxes aren’t guarded…for now! He plans a coup!

Andy confronts Dougy. This box isn't big enough for two! And Andy wants it.

Andy confronts Dougy. This box isn’t big enough for two! And Andy wants it.

Andy makes his case: MINE! Get out!

Andy makes his case: MINE! Get out! Dougy resists.

Andy hops in...on top of  Dougy!

Andy hops in…on top of Dougy! More than one way to skin – or unbox – a cat!

Dougy sends Andy packing!

Dougy sends Andy packing! Dougy had “home box advantage”.

“Don’t go away mad, just go away, Andy!”

>scratch-scratch-scratch< Dougy marks HIS box, just in case Andy didn't get his point!

Dougy marks HIS box, just in case Andy didn’t get his point!

Smug Dougy!

Smug Dougy! Andy’s gone for now.


Tomorrow, Andy regroups and gets his box. In the meantime, just so you don’t feel bad for Andy, here’s one last photo of the boys, each in his own box:

Dougy (on left) in his box; Andy in his. The boys worked it out, then Dougy ran off on cat business,  leaviong both boxes to Andy. More about that tomorrow!

Dougy (on left) in his box; Andy in his. The boys worked it out, then Dougy ran off on cat business, leaving both boxes to Andy. More about that tomorrow!

Post 748: a bored kitty finds something to do…

I guess I’ve not paid Andy enough attention today because he’s exhibiting bored kitty behavior, specifically tearing up a magazine.

Andy's resting now, or should I say "finally"! He's been very busy this afternoon.

Andy’s resting now…or should I say “finally”! He’s been very busy this afternoon.

What a mess!

What a mess! “Idle paws are the devil’s workshop.”

I guess knocking over wastepaper baskets wasn’t enough naughtiness for today. Probably wound up still from the two new boxes the UPS person delivered and he and Dougy got to explore earlier.

Post 747: Andy’s ready…where’s everyone else!?

Poor Andy! He’s in a mood to play. He’s carried the wand string toy into the living room and started the yowl the boys use to call each other to come out and play. But Dougy’s not cooperating! What’s a kitty to do?

Andy can't believe Dougy's  not running into the living room to join "The Andy & Dougy Game"...!

Andy can’t believe Dougy’s not running into the living room to join “The Andy & Dougy Game”…!

Andy and Dougy don’t know it yet, but there is a scheduled UPS delivery today, which means new boxes! If the day’s started off flat, it definitely will pick up later.

Post 746: a clever little monkey…!

It was bound to happen. “Someone” (AKA “Dougy”) figured out how to help himself to the little stash of wand toys stuffed in the end table. I didn’t think he’d figure it out, but the evidence is there!

A suspicious moment: I think I caught someone red-pawed helping himsefl to the wand toy stash!

A suspicious moment: I think I caught someone red-pawed helping himself to the wand toy stash!

“The door was closed last time I was over here, Dougy. Do you know anything about this…break in?!”
Dougy has nothing to say.

“Look me in the eyes and say you know nothing about this, Douglas James Thomas! I demand an answer!”

Dougy's silence speaks volumes!

Dougy’s silence speaks volumes!

J’accuse! Can I ever trust you again, Douglas?!”
Dougy maintains he is innocent…mostly!
“I’m just a victim of my cat heritage. I can’t help myself! Um…because they are there! That’s why I broke in! Because!”

I’m torn between wishing Dougy were less clever and being pleased he is so clever!

“Well, they are cat wand toys, you are a cat, and that’s good enough an explanation for anyone, my good kitty!

Post 745: Douggggg-eee…!

Some things have an “ick” factor that is greater than the actual ickiness of those things: It’s the idea of having kitty butt touching me, not the fact of it!

I don't care how much Dougy licks it, it's still kitty butt, and I'd prefer not to have it pressed against my arm!

I don’t care how much Dougy licks it, it’s still kitty butt, and I’d prefer not to have it pressed against my hand and arm!

In a word, “Ew!”

Post 744: Caturday is for wand toys…!

Nothing piques the boys’ interest like a wand toy. Dougy, in fact, knows where I store them –the little end table Andy likes to sleep on…– and he’s been puzzling out how to open the door since the first day he saw me pull a BirBug wand toy out of it. No luck so far!

Yes, Andy! It's a wand toy!

Yes, Andy! It’s a wand toy!

Andy comes in closer and I move the wand toy into better light.

Andy comes in closer and I move the wand toy into better light.

Dougy wants some of this wand toy action, too, though Doug (the human one) all ready played wand toy with him earlier. Dougy is all about a good time!

Dougy wants some of this wand toy action, too, though Doug (the human one) all ready played wand toy with him earlier.
Dougy is all about a good time!

I guess Dougy had enough wand toy for the moment  because he decides to bird watch out the back window, leaving all the wand toy fun for his brother.  Andy doesn't know what to make of this development. Dougy usually hogs the toys!

I guess Dougy had enough wand toy for the moment
because he decides to bird watch out the back window, leaving all the wand toy fun for his brother.
Andy doesn’t know what to make of this development. Dougy usually hogs the toys!

Andy tries to process this wonderful moment. The wand toy is all his!

Dougy loves bird watching from this window, which overlooks the fir in the backyard!

Dougy loves bird watching from this window, which overlooks the fir in the backyard!

Now that Dougy's not hogging the wand toy, Andy doesn't want to play anymore. What's the point?

Now that Dougy’s not hogging the wand toy, Andy doesn’t want to play anymore. What’s the point?

Post 743: sleepy boy…

The boys have favorite places to sleep. Dougy prefers a carrier next to the recliner. It has a towel in it and it is secure and cozy. Andy prefers the washing machine lid or inside the dryer, if I leave the door open.

Andy in his dryer nest.

Andy in his dryer nest.

Of course, a black cat in a white interior makes for a photographic nightmare, but I got something in the camera for you, and that was it!


Here is an older photo of Andy in the dryer that is much clearer.

"Rub my nose, human."

Post 742: new territory to explore…

There are many tempting places for kitties to explore in this apartment but I’ve never seen the boys show curiosity about a little desk by the  back door…until today!!

Let me say there were lots of interesting diversions for kitties today because I haven’t completely put away the groceries I bought this morning. Andy was checking that out when he noticed his brother Dougy hop on a box next to the little desk. 

Dougy is certain he can open this drawer. He's seen Andy handle similar challenges.

Dougy is certain he can open this drawer. He’s seen Andy handle similar challenges.

"Whatcha doin', Dougy?"  Andy is interested now.

“Whatcha doin’, Dougy?”
Andy is interested now.

Andy isn't sure if he wants to get involved or not. "C'mon, Andy! You're the one that knows how to open drawers!" says Dougy.

Andy isn’t sure if he wants to get involved or not.
“C’mon, Andy! You’re the one that knows how to open drawers!” says Dougy.

Andy thinks about it. He didn't get his kitty treats yet for being a good boy so he doesn't want to jeopardize that, now, does he?!

Andy thinks about it. He didn’t get his kitty treats yet for being a good boy so he doesn’t want to jeopardize that, now, does he?!

"Rats!"  Since Andy won't play along with him, Dougy gives up on the drawer. "I'm not interested in what's in there anyway."

Since Andy won’t play along with him, Dougy gives up on the drawer.
“I’m not interested in what’s in there anyway.”

Then there was the mysterious visitor to the door. He knocked, but left in a South Dakota-plated car before Doug (the human one) could get to the door. Probably frightened away by the scary little black tigers staring back through the screen door. MEOW!