Post 539: when it rains…

There is a soft rain today, with occasional bombastic thunder. I like it. Andy and Dougy associate it with “wet”, which they don’t like in practice.

I held the door open. Dougy came out long enough to feel one or two raindrops on his head, then he scampered back inside.

I held the door open. Dougy came out long enough to feel one or two raindrops on his head, then he scampered back inside.

I wasn’t surprised Dougy came outside until he got a little wet. He’s the more curious about the outside of the brothers. Andy stands in the doorway, but never steps outside. Andy’s mind’s made up when it comes to water: It’s not good!

The Memorial Day geraniums welcomed the rain. This time of year, it couldf be snow, eh!? And we had some of that in early September.

The Memorial Day geraniums welcomed the rain. This time of year, it could be snow, eh!? And we had some of that in early September.

One thing about geraniums, they are tough little mothers and they bloom forever! Oh. That’s two things about geraniums, but that just makes them that much more welcome at the front entry. The recent hot weather beat them up, but the rain and cooler weather suit them fine.

The sedums appreciate the extra moisture, too.

The sedums appreciate the extra moisture, too.

When I planted the Sedum in the Cretan pot, I didn’t realize what a good choice that was. It looks great in this rustic piece of pottery. I’m glad I lugged the two of these pots down from the house in 2004. Some years, when I am not up to a garden of any consequence, the pots, at least, have something perennial in them, and it looks good.

The bird bath didn't get much attention from me this year. Thanks to the rain today, it has water in it. You can see where some raindrops landed in the photo.

The bird bath didn’t get much attention from me this year. Thanks to the rain today, it has water in it. You can see where some raindrops landed in the photo.

I suppose I should confess to a dirty bird bath. What appears to be pebbles on the bottom actually is dried, cracked pond crud (algae, filth…!) that the rain covered.

As soon as I give up on a garden because the yard vandals keep weed whacking plantings I want, they stop coming around! This is a messy little area in the back that I neglected all summer.

As soon as I gave up on a garden because the yard vandals kept weed whacking plantings I wanted, they stopped coming around! This is a messy little area in the back that I neglected all summer. In the rain, it has some small charm.

Yeah, that’s an elm sapling in the upper left hand corner, and that’s the  invasive bird-planted vine, Virginia creeper, with the palmate leaves, below it. The Virginia creeper sets berries that the birds love to eat, and they “plant” the seeds wrapped in a lovely load of poop, just the ticket for successful germination!

Though Andy and Dougy don’t approve, we are supposed to get more rain today and through the week. It’s a nice change from the hot weather, and a gentle transition into the coming cold.