Post 548: Mwahahaha!

Little do they know. Little do they understand. Thursday is coming soon. Thursday! Mwahahaha!

 ...a message for the Cat Brothers!

…a message for the Cat Brothers!

It came in the mail. What could it mean? Everyone knows the boys don’t get to go outside, except to the groomers and to the…

vet card b

…veterinarian’s! Mwahahaha! Mwhahaha! Mwahaha! Yes, I made an appointment this morning for 10:00 AM Thursday for the boys to get their rabies shots updated and for their semi-annual check-ups.

Mwahahaha! Pretty scary stuff for the little Persian cats Andy and Dougy, even if they are black cats!

Post 547: Andy guards his new box

The boys run to the door when I bring in the mail or packages because, well, they know something came for them! Many times there will be a letter with an interesting scent, which I have to let them both sniff and absorb till they’re ready to go on to the next piece with a plastic cover, say, or crinkly wrap, if they are especially lucky that day.

Best days, though, are those when a box arrives. A box! You can taste their excitement! And it’s nearly impossible to open the box fast enough to extract something that amazes and entertains them, which is, frankly, anything that comes in a box! Then there is the box itself, which all cat people know is the prize of prizes to all cats. They both try to claim it before the other brother does. Then, curiosity sated, they wander off to other cat business, a bath perhaps,  few pieces of cat chow, a drink at the fountain.

The box isn’t forgotten, though, and one or the other sneaks a closer look later when the other brother isn’t around. Yes, and to mark the heck out of it with their scent! “MY box! MINE! BEWARE!”

That brings us to the latest box, now claimed, marked, and occupied by Andy.

Andy's on guard duty at his new box. Dougy probbably will walk by and need to be reminded of Andy's ownership.

Andy’s on guard duty at his new box. Dougy probably will walk by and need to be reminded of Andy’s ownership.

"Was that Dougy I just heard in the guest bedroom?" Andy is vigilant and paranoid!

“Was that Dougy I just heard in the guest bedroom?” Andy is vigilant and paranoid!

Poor Andy! It isn’t easy claiming a new box in this household! The box behind Andy is Dougy’s ratty box.

Andy feels a bit sleepy from all the stress of protyecting his box. "Where is that dang brother of mine!? I know he wants to take my box...!"

Andy feels a bit sleepy from all the stress of protecting his box. “Where is that dang brother of mine!? I know he wants to take my box…!”

"I know Dougy's around here someplace!" Andy hasn't had his blood pressure medicine yet.

“I know Dougy’s around here someplace!” Andy hasn’t had his blood pressure medicine yet.

In a minute or two Andy will get up and look for his brother, but, for the moment, he continues his guard.

In a minute or two Andy will get up and look for his brother, but, for the moment, he continues his guard.

The camera’s put away, but the box business continues. I just heard a scuffle inside the new box, then feet running after other feet. There’s Andy, foot-stomping mad, ears back. Dougy apparently lost the box battle because he just walked by me, tail down, wary of Andy. Andy’s instincts were dead on about his brother’s plans for his box!

In the meantime, Dougy’s hanging out by my foot, rubbing against my leg, while Andy watches from a yard away, ready to pounce the moment I’m not paying attention and Dougy makes a move away from me.

It’s going to be a busy morning!