Post 1111: but I don’t do these….

Jean of nominated me for a Brotherhood of the World award. I personally don’t like these because they remind me of chain letters and they, while well meaning, always impose upon one’s time to come up with just five, ten, or some other number of others to give the award to, too.

I know I am not alone in not liking to get these nominations, so it bothers me to name other bloggers without knowing their feelings about these awards. I will go along, sort of, this one time and answer the five questions that came with the award.

1. Do you purrfer to watch movies or read books? I like to read books first, but movies have a special place in my life since I spent my three years in the US Army as a motion picture photographer. I like to watch movies multiple times to enjoy different aspects of the story, editing, cinematography, and acting.

2. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? I can be pretty stuffy about things I don’t like, for example, these awards. I hate to reject something someone has given me in good faith, but I truly find them upsetting because they remind me of chain letters.

3. What is your favorite sport?  I like soccer/football as a sport to watch, but any sport where the individual can participate with or without others is more to my liking, for example hiking or riding a bike.

4. What is the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you? This is embarrassing because I don’t approve of this sort of thing. Most embarrassing? Probably not.

5. What are you most proud of? In 1980, I saw and photographed the first phainopepla nitens ever to be reported in Nebraska. Nebraska records for such things go back to the Lewis and Clarke Expedition. There hasn’t been another one since then. Mine bird appeared on New Years Day, and stayed around for two months, enjoying the bird bath in my backyard. That fortuitous sighting led to a decade of involvement in Nebraska Ornithologists’ Union that ended only because of family responsibilities. It was a happy time!

Now, I’m supposed to post five questions of my own:

1. If you are nominated for a blogger award, how do you feel about it?

2. What is the funniest story you can tell about your cat/dog/parrot/horse/other animal companion?

3. Has having an animal companion changed your life in some significant way?

4. What is your animal companion’s favorite toy?

5. If you could go anywhere in the world to see a new animal in its natural habitat, which animal would that be and where?

I can’t bring myself to impose this award on others, but anyone who wants to take a shot at one or more of these questions, feel free to post your answers on this blog. I hope this is sufficient to recognize Jean’s thoughtfulness in nominating me for this blogger award, though I repeat I don’t do these. This is the last and only time I sort of do this, so please don’t nominate me for blogger awards!

No kitty photos this time.

1110: Dougy sneaks by…!

Kitties can be very stealthy, even when sneaking by fellow cats…or kitty brothers! Dougy demonstrated that this morning.

Dougy's quietly enjoying the string toy he and Andy used to invent a kitty game they play.

Dougy’s quietly enjoying the string toy he and Andy used to invent a kitty game they play.

It'd be more fun if Andy would join him to play! Dougy wanders off.

It’d be more fun if Andy would join him to play! Dougy makes his move.

Andy's on the stacked carriers.

Andy’s on the stacked carriers. Dougy “hides” by the door.

Time to try to sneak up on Andy!

Time to try to sneak up on Andy. But Andy is on the kitty job and notices the movement!

Andy's losing interest and feel a nap coming on....

Andy’s losing interest and feels a nap coming on…. Where’s Dougy???

Good question!

Good question…. What? What? What?

Dougy sneaked into the top carrier when Andy was sleeping on the job!

Dougy sneaked into the top carrier while Andy was sleeping on the job!

Later, Dougy came over to entertain me at the computer desk.

Later, Dougy came over to entertain me at the computer desk. Andy, in time, came by, too!