Post 1116: Friday starts off slowly…

Andy thought he was getting away without his medicine tonight, but what happened was I fell asleep. Once he hopped up on the stacked carriers next to the recliner (“the kitty highway”), fell asleep himself, he didn’t notice I was now awake and stalking him!

He took his medicine like a big boy, so I rubbed his ears, muzzle, and nose, then gave him his kitty treats. He met me at the spot where I pass those our. Believe it!

Andy's watchful now!

Andy’s watchful now!

Dougy, on the other hand, just lazed on his ottoman, amused, I think, that Andy “got his”, but all he got was lots of scritching and nose rubs every time he hopped on the recliner arm.

Dougy's satisfied to be left alone.

Dougy’s satisfied to be left alone.

People visiting me are warned that if the sit in the recliner, they will be pestered to death by kitties hopping on the back and arms because, as noted, this is the kitty highway.