Post 832: in which I try to get Dougy to smile…

Dougy knows exactly what happens when I point a camera his way: a blinding flash of light goes off in his face! Consequently, getting a photo of Dougy with his eyes open is a rare and wonderful thing. Or I think it is. It rarely happens!

Dougy shows interest. Of course he's mostly inyerested in what I'm having for breakfast.

Dougy shows interest. Of course he’s mostly interested in what I’m having for breakfast.

I try to get his attention for a surprise snap snot. Dougy's smarter than to fall for that trick again!

I try to get his attention for a surprise snap snot. Dougy’s smarter than to fall for that trick again!

Eyes closed...yep! Another fine photo of Dougy, with his eyes closed!

Eyes closed…yep! Another fine photo of Dougy, with his eyes closed!

As good as it's going to get today!

As good as it’s going to get today!