Post 1117: WordPress issues uploading photos…

I have another technical problem to work through. I’ve called in the happy folks at WordPress to get relief from a problem uploading photos from my computer to this site.

Since everyone expects kitty photos with the text, I feel, well, stripped without new photos that upload. With apologies, then, I post these photos from my media file to plug the time till – soon, I hope – photos can be uploaded to my WordPress media file again:

Andy was so ugly he was cute!

Andy the kitten was so ugly he was cute!

This isn't one of the lost photos. It is, however, a cute one of Dougy waiting to be scritched.

Dougy adores me, though this look is one of anticipation as he demands those fingers on the right scritch him!

"You got it right, human!"

“You got it right, human!” Andy flips the bird at me! (I think…..)

The paparazzo, finally satiated, takes one last photo of his victime. Dougy final;ly gets to enjoy a little peace and quiet on Caturday!

Dougy finally gets to enjoy a little peace and quiet!

35 thoughts on “Post 1117: WordPress issues uploading photos…

  1. Is there a possibility that you need to buy more storage space on your wordpress upgrade?
    Do you take your photos from your computer photo program such as “windows photo gallery” or “Google Photo Gallery?” If you do use either of these to transfer pictures to your media file, do you edit them down to something like 350 px before storing them. If you reduce the size of your pictures you can get a lot more of them into your file and they will load to your blog a lot faster too.

      • Editing photos in “My Media”
        1. Go to “My Site” and click on “WP Admin.”
        2. Click on “Media”
        3. Click on “Library”
        4. Your images should appear.
        5. Pick an image and hover over it with mouse.
        6. The word “Edit” will appear beneath your chosen image.
        7. Click on “Edit” beneath your chosen image.
        8. When the editable image appears you will see “Edit Image” underneath it.
        9. Click on “Edit Image.”
        10. Look to the right of your screen and see “Scale Image.”
        11. In the “Scale Image” box you will find the words, “New Dimensions.”
        12. Delete whatever dimensions appear in the two boxes and add news ones.
        13. I use 300 x 300 for most of my pictures but I have gone down to 75 x 75 on some.
        14. If you ever want to restore your image to the original size there is a thing there to click on for that too.
        15. Be careful though because sometimes I have found that when I have reduced the size of a picture and then try to make it bigger, the bigger version is sometimes grainy and blurry.

        • I usually process photos through Photoshop. When saving them, I have the option of saving them in high definition down to something that works but is much less defined. I resaved several photos I prepared for a post on my dialysis unit and what I’ve been going through to get to the stage of having the port removed and the dialysis fistula put in service. Though they were much smaller files, they still wouldn’t upload. I’ve e-mailed the IT guy who contacted me from WP and told him all the things I tried that didn’t work. He said yesterday that there are other things he can suggest if those he mentioned yesterday didn’t work. I’ve edited things a few times on WP, though my problem is getting the files into the media library in the first place.

  2. Reruns are always welcome, Doug. The boys are never tiring to look at!

    I occasionally have problems as well with uploads or other features, including the email notification for new posts. Or, sometimes I get an email, but that blogger’s post does not show up in the reader.

  3. Doug I periodically have issues with photo upload too. As someone who’s come to your blog later than many I don’t mind the reruns at all. I’m still catching up.

    • There’s been a huge increase in my follows since the start of the year, so I hope that most of the people viewing the reruns are new to the post or enjoyed the originals when they were posted several months (or years!) ago. Anyway, i appreciate your comment, Angela. Incidentally, I’m new to your blog as well, and I enjoy your thoughtful essays on life. They are a nice change from my usual blog reads, most enjoyable! I recommend anyone reading this comment take a look at your blog!

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