Post 2242: Dougy’s veterinarian visit…


At first, he hides in the back of the carrier…

…but a great veterinarian technician can put a kitty boy at ease!

That isn’t to say he doesn’t hop off the examination table to explore the room for a way out!

He wanders top to bottom, then back up to the top of the room. No way out!

“Aha! This looks like a good possibility!” Dougy thinks, then he hops up on the counter.

“Hey! There’s another kitty on the other side! This must be the way out!”

>knock!< >knock!<


Dougy quickly learns otherwise. That was no way out.

Dougy hops off the counter and onto the trash can. After assessing his chances of getting out of the examination room, he hops up onto the examination table…


…where he waits a bit over 12 minutes like this till Dr. Y. arrives to examine him. Good kitty! (He gets a good report on his eye, the reason for the follow up.)


Back home again. Dougy whines as soon as the car stops and till I open the carrier door inside the apartment. Andy and he sniff each other, then both run off for kitty business. It was a successful veterinarian visit!