12Jan21: tired of photo taking, Andy makes his move…

Andy is in an ornery mood today.

So when I try to take his photo, he…

…zooms into the living room…

…and pretends to be asleep. (I see your eyes and they are open, buster!)

23 thoughts on “12Jan21: tired of photo taking, Andy makes his move…

  1. ‘ornery’ is a good word. It is never used by us limeys, sadly. Having said that, my wife once called me, ‘a goddamn ornery, sumbitch’
    Mind you, she is from Montgomery, Alabammy.

    • Welp, you have a double whammy today since ‘Bammy football [sic] (the silly ‘Muricun version…) just won the national championship for silly ‘Muricun version football [sic] and everyone knows they will be insufferable till some other ‘Muricun football [sic] team does something called “beats their ass”. Traditionally, that isn’t allowed under the ‘Muricun football [sic] rules because, welp, ‘Bammy! Try to humor her today and the rest of your life because your life depends on it! You know, ‘Bammy! Incidentally, the song says “she comes from Alabammy with a banjo on her knee”, code language for “..and she knows how to whup yer ass [sic] with any hard object handy because, welp, ‘Bammy!” Nothing scarier in ‘Murica than ‘Bammy fans unless it’s our current president. Ask her (at your own risk).

        • LOL! There ‘s a video of little June Carter, latter Cash, singing this. I mean pinch her cheek adorable! “Oh Su-SEE-anna!” Of course this was well before she reached adulthood so you could get away with that cheek business. Anyway, Alabama is a dark corner of America, so we don’t usually talk about it. LOL! Doug (You wife probably says the same about my home state, Nebraska. It’s so bad, the state tourism board has a campaign now that proclaims: Nebraska, it’s not for everyone. LOL!) https://youtu.be/s9ZuJ9vl3V0

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