Post 481: a new favorite toy

Andy tried to get may attention, but I’d just begun reading today’s comics online. (“Dang! Can’t the cat wait a moment?” I wondered.)

andy 72814 b

I tried to ignore Andy a bit longer, but he knew I had something on my computer desk that he wanted.


Yes, I had the boys’ new favorite toy! And I wasn’t letting them play with it.

Dougy tried to hop up on my computer desk from the wrong side, knocking down my keyboard and scratching me in the process. I said some words and recovered my keyboard. Dougy ran into the kitchen to hide. He knew he was temporarily the bad boy! (No real harm done, however, and I noted the incident removed one cat from the play for a few minutes more.)

But it didn’t eliminate Andy! He hopped on top of my computer and gave me “The Look.”

andy at night

“Yes, master,” I told him, and we played with the new favorite toy for several minutes. Dougy came back, too, and we had a play party.

Post 420: Andy’s favorite toy

Andy is a suspicious little cat, and doesn’t readily come to play, unlike his brother Dougy, who’s always up for play. Because of Andy’s quiet nature, any time he shows interest in something or wants to play, I definitely encourage him!

Most of the toys Dougy likes, Andy doesn’t. One toy is almost exclusively Andy’s: the rod with the multi-colored ribbon on it, the Cat Charmer (so it’s called)!

I lead Andy into temptation...

I lead Andy into temptation…

I have his interest!

I have his interest!

I leave this toy out because it is kind of fun to see that Andy’s been playing with it, specifically, it’s never in the same place I last saw it! Andy picks it up and carries it around.

Most mornings, I wake up, and it’s on the floor by my bed. “Come play with me,” Andy tries to tell me. “Now!”

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We played a little with the toy, then went our separate ways. Andy came back, though, and crawled into a favorite hidey hole, the box across from my computer desk.

Andy, watching me from the box across from my computer desk.

Andy, watching me from the box across from my computer desk.

He knows I still have his favorite toy on my desk…!