Post 338: Hooray! The Gully Gang comes to the blogosphere!

I got a pleasant surprise in my g-mail today, a message from the leader of the Gully Gang! She and the critters – Hobo the Dog, a whole houseful of cats, and the newest member of the Gully Gang, Bob the Albino Cockatiel – will soon appear regularly in their own blog. More fantastically, though, they appear already in over 1000 videos posted on YouTube!

Take your pick: for this new blog, which I feel will turn out to be a lot of fun for lovers of animals.

Or, for a video introduction to the critters that make up the Gully Gang, check out some of their videos at:

Here’s one of Bob the albino cockatiel, the newest member of the Gully Gang:

If you like my stories about Andy and Dougy, the videos and photos, you are exactly the sort of person who should peek at -and follow! – the Gully Gang and their adventures.

Post 337: Andy is of a different opinion…

Andy suspects Dougy's up to something... [Dougy is in front.]

Andy suspects Dougy’s up to something… [Dougy is in front.]

Andy's fears confirmed: Dougy's headed for Andy's new tub! Oh! Oh! Oh!

Andy’s fears confirmed: Dougy’s headed for Andy’s new tub! Oh! Oh! Oh!

Hunh!? Doesn't Dougy see Andy watching him from below!? One small step for Dougy, and he's in!

Hunh!? Doesn’t Dougy see Andy watching him from below!? One small step for Dougy, and he’s in!

Dougy is pleased with himself! You know it!

Dougy is pleased with himself! You know it!

Andy rushes to the cat lounger by the door to assess Dougy's perfidy and total disregard for territorial rights!

Andy rushes to the cat lounger by the door to assess Dougy’s perfidy and total disregard for territorial rights!

"Dougy will feel the brunt of my mighty will, SOON!" Andy is steamed! Dougy, in the meantime, is oblivious to impending doom...!

“Dougy will feel the brunt of my mighty will, SOON!” Andy is steamed! Dougy, in the meantime, is oblivious to impending doom…!

Our bad boy snuggles in for a snooze.

Our bad boy snuggles in for a snooze.

Andy plans his attack!

Andy plans his attack!

Andy has catty remarks for his brother!

Andy has catty remarks for his brother!

A tussle ensues!

A tussle ensues!

"Be gone you bad kitty!" Andy is adamant! Andy is in no mood for Dougy's  cattitude today!

“Be gone you bad kitty!” Andy is adamant! Andy is in no mood for Dougy’s cattitude today!

Dougy runs to save his tail. Andy chases to make his point: "That is MY tub, you scruffy rascal! MINE! MINE! MINE!" Andy makes his point with tooth and claw.

Dougy runs to save his tail. Andy chases to make his point: “That is MY tub, you scruffy rascal! MINE! MINE! MINE!” Andy makes his point with tooth and claw.