Post 517: smile! :)

Caturday is on us once again! I decided you need to see the boys for a change. They are days away from their next grooming appointment, and look as much like the Persian cats as they ever do, with long, beautiful hair that is soft and pleasant to stroke.

Of course, they aren’t in the mood to cooperate. Both ran to bad places for photos: dark, dirty, cluttered places that serve two purposes, both to thwart pretty pictures of the boys looking as sweet as I’ve ever seen them.

They are beautiful cats! But they are like everyone else in my family. No photos, please.

Here’s Andy:

Yeah. By the dirtpot where I was growing grass for the boys. The grass is long dead, so it isn't a very seemly foreground for Andy.

Yeah. By the dirtpot where I was growing grass for the boys. The grass is long dead, so it isn’t a very seemly foreground for Andy. 

Crop the hell out of it, and be happy his eyes are open, at least. Never mind Andy's giving his mean kitty look, you know, "Cat from Hell".

Crop the hell out of it, and be happy his eyes are open, at least. Never mind Andy’s giving his mean kitty look, you know, “Cat from Hell”.  He’s actually very sweet-natured, a bit shy.

That left Dougy. Maybe Dougy’ll cooperate today. Probably not, but…!

well, he found the messiest corner of the apartment to plop down. Or one of the messiest. And it's dark there. "Black-cat-in-the-coal-bin-in-the-basement" dark.

well, he found the messiest corner of the apartment to plop down. Or one of the messiest. And it’s dark there. “Black-cat-in-the-coal-bin-in-the-basement” dark.

That's about the best look at Dougy's coat I've captured, but he's hiding his beautiful orange eyes! Of course.

That’s about the best look at Dougy’s coat I’ve captured, but he’s hiding his beautiful orange eyes! Of course. His ruff is magnificent!

Dougy told me to tell you he’s not fat, he’s fluffy. Really.

So much for the cats on Caturday. Andy just came back over to the computer and he’s looking cute, cooperative, and…DRAT! He just ran off again when I raised my camera!