Post 532: Andy mocks authority update

Post 531 includes this photo. Maybe you noticed the message that showed up in the newspaper in the foreground:

"Cheese it! The cops!" Andy realizes I'm watching. Am I just taking photos or am I plotting to get close enough to catch him? Andy takes a hike under the table, a good strategy!

“Cheese it! The cops!” Andy realizes I’m watching. Am I just taking photos or am I plotting to get close enough to catch him? Andy takes a hike under the table, a good strategy!



Not to worry, though. After the mayhem, Andy settled down. I think he may have been looking for the treats he did not get today because he wasn’t a good boy when it came to taking his medicine. No medicine, no kitty treats! He came over to the box by the computer to watch me. After patting me on the arm several times, I think he finally got the hint: No treats for bad kitties!

Andy makes another use of the box by the computer wastepaper basket. One of these days, I hope to toss it out, too. Cats and boxes...!

Andy makes another use of the box by the computer wastepaper basket. One of these days, I hope to toss it out, too. Cats and boxes…!

Everything but the tail (note the blur) at rest.

Everything but the tail at rest. (Note the blur.)

Andy, Andy, Andy! What am I to do with you?

Post 531: Andy mocks authority

Andy’s been a pill today, in a sweet kittenish way. First of all, he avoided his medicine. I think he realizes I won’t give it to him after a certain time because I try to give it to him at the same time for best results. I don’t think I’d over dose him if there were too few hours between doses, but, for such a small creature, it just isn’t worth the risk. No dose for today.

After that magic time, the time beyond which I won’t dose him, he showed up again, and took his place on top of the blue carrier on the settee. “See me? I’m right in front of you, human, and you can’t do anything about it!” Andy is a rascal.

Well rested, Andy hopped down on the settee to contemplate his next moves.

Well rested, Andy hopped down on the settee to contemplate his next moves.

"Woohoo! I think I'll tip the wastepaper basket by the computer...while the human watches!"

“Woohoo! I think I’ll tip the wastepaper basket by the computer…while the human watches!”  

"What next? Hmm. I'll tip the wastepaper basket in the kitchen!"

“What next? Hmm. I’ll tip the wastepaper basket in the kitchen!” 

Andy contemplates the next move.

Andy contemplates the next move.  

"Cheese it! The cops!" Andy realizes I'm watching. Am I just taking photos or am I plotting to get close enough to catch him? Andy takes a hike under the table, a good strategy!

“Cheese it! The cops!” Andy realizes I’m watching. Am I just taking photos or am I plotting to get close enough to catch him? Andy takes a hike under the table, a good strategy!  

Dougy decides this isn't a good place to be. "If I'm not careful, the human will credit me with the mayhem!"

Dougy decides this isn’t a good place to be. “If I’m not careful, the human will credit me with the mayhem!” He scurries out of view.