Post 536: Where’s Andy?

Things are quiet around the house, unlike earlier when the boys were chasing each other north and south. Too quiet. I see Dougy on the back door cat lounger.

“Any idea where your brother is, Dougy?” No response. Dougy’s dozing, I guess. His eyes are closed anyway.


“Seriously, have you seen Andy?” I ask Dougy. Well, eyes a bit more open, but Dougy’s taking his time shaking off that spell the sun has on him.


I piqued his curiosity. He’s a cat, you know, and that’s his kryptonite. Curiosity. Now he wonders where Andy is, and trots off to try to find him!


Clearly not at the fountain. Hmm.


A quick look into the guest bedroom, Dougy’s favorite “hidey spot”.


Nope. No Andy. Give him a second or two, and there will be no Dougy, either, and both boys will be asleep under one or the other beds.  So much for a dramatic kitty story for today’s post, unless you get excited watching cats under beds snoozing. Keep on moving. Nothing to see here! (Of course, Andy sometimes snores in his sleep. Or purrs.)