Post 353: true colors

Andy and Dougy have amazing coats of many colors! You see them in one light, and they are black cats. In another, they seem reddish with black and gray tones. In yet other light, they look like Siamese cats with longish hair, but much darker.

Andy's a bit lighter in color than Dougy, and this is what he looks like in bright light.

Andy’s a bit lighter in color than Dougy, and this is what he looks like in bright light.

This is pretty much what Dougy looks like in bright light.

This is pretty much what Dougy looks like in bright light.

It’s not a great photo (fuzzy focus from camera movement), but it shows his colors well.

I thought I’d show you these color variations today because tomorrow they go in for their semi-monthly grooming appointment, and will come out of the shop looking different in color again!

I don’t look forward to catching two cats tomorrow and putting them in their carrier, especially since Andy is easy to catch once a day, but rarely twice! It’s shedding season, though. Both boys need grooming going into the warmer months.

"Dang cat hair! It gets in and on everything!"

“Dang cat hair! It gets in and on everything!”

Dougy has a mat under his left arm, but that’s about the only “bad hair” issue they have, unless it’s shedding hair all over the place. Even Andy gets cat hair on him! Take a look at his face, between his eyes and by his right ear in this photo. Poor kitty!

2 thoughts on “Post 353: true colors

    • Yeah! Dougy’s eyes are beautiful! I call the color orange, but cat people call the color “coppery” or something like that. Since we both agree on “orange”, orange it is!

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