Post 1096: Caturday is for doing little…

As if 16-18 hours of sleep a day aren’t tiring enough, Andy and Dougy look forward to Caturday because it is a day of doing little!

Dougy watches birds.

Dougy watches birds.

"Breakfast!" (Don't worry....he's an inside cat.)

“Breakfast!” (Don’t worry….he’s an inside cat.)

Don't know what Andy's doing but it's probably naughty!

Don’t know what Andy’s doing but it’s probably naughty!

That's a good kitty, Andy! He suns himself by the window.

That’s a good kitty, Andy! He suns himself by the window.

Dougy taunts Andy. "Booger! Booger! Booger, Andy!" Dougy challenges Andy from Andy's favorite place on the desk. They'll chase each other and get some exercise before they take a nap.

Dougy taunts Andy. “Booger! Booger! Booger, Andy!” Dougy challenges Andy from Andy’s favorite place on the desk.
They’ll chase each other and get some exercise before they take a nap. Andy looks to me for help.

19 thoughts on “Post 1096: Caturday is for doing little…

  1. Nice shot of Andy’s eyes in the naughty photo. They are such a lovely color it’s no wonder you get frustrated with “blinker” shots.

  2. Pingback: Post 1096: Caturday is for doing little… — weggieboy’s blog | toni1964blog

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