Post 1115: cool cat…

According to the Urban Dictionary, cool cat is defined: noun. a stylish and admirable person. Usage Note. slang. Of course, when the cool cat is a cat, it takes on other dimensions. Andy is a cool cat.

La! La! La! Andy enjoys a little recliner arm rest.

La! La! La! Andy enjoys a little recliner arm rest.

Here comes trouble!!!

Here comes trouble!!!

Uh oh!

Uh oh!

Andy gets ready...!

Andy gets ready…!

Dougy tries to shut Andy down with his "Terror-Inducing Rays of Total Meltdown".

Dougy tries to shut Andy down with his “Terror-Inducing Rays of Total Meltdown”.

Andy responds with his "Cutest Kitty Terror-Reduction Charisma Stare". No one can resist it! Even Dougy!

Andy responds with his “Cutest Kitty Terror-Reduction Charisma Stare”. No one can resist it! Even Dougy!


“Dougy! I have you in my spell!” Andy ramps it up. Dougy feels the burn. 

Andy had his "Tragic Claws of Total Humiliation" ready, and Dougy wisely chose to mosey on!

Because Andy had his “Cutest Kitty Terror-Reduction Charisma Stare” ready, Dougy wisely chose to mosey on!

La! La! La! Andy enjoys a little recliner arm rest, again! But he keeps Dougy in sight.

La! La! La! Andy enjoys a little recliner arm rest, again! But he keeps Dougy in sight.

18 thoughts on “Post 1115: cool cat…

  1. With mine, they don’t mind the flash, I don’t know if it’s vanity (only get my good angle) or avoiding a record of their misdeeds: is Smokie saying “Nix it kid there’s a security camera!”

  2. Oh Doug, this is one of the cutest and most realistic posts I’ve seen so far. (Remember I’m sort of new here) but it just resonates with me and your rhetoric (the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, especially the use of figures of speech and other compositional techniques.) is so humorous that all cat owners (?? you know who owns who?) will find it just delicious.

    My new (hand fed) kitten Beanie is already becoming a MONSTER. No way will he be my friend for life, assuming I get him thru all this, he will RULE my life.

    Five weeks old and already substituting little kitty “help me mews” with outrageous Siamese yodels of FEED ME! I keep trying to give him back to his semi-feral mother but he keeps following me right back to the other room and I think she is satisfied.

    Yours in Catship, ~~dru~~

    • Oh no! Beanie sounds incredibly cute…and difficult! I know how mouthy Siamese cats can be, but it sounds like Beanie is getting into the swing at far too early an age!

      Thanks for your encouraging words about my post! I studied journalism at the University of Nebraska. While that doesn’t assure I am letter perfect, it does point to my proclivities! My quirky sense of humor gets into the mix, too. (One time, my late mother told me, “Doug, what your father and I most love about you is your quirky sense of humor.” I was very pleased to hear that!)

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