Post 1655: how to eat blueberries on waffles…

A mess…!

Everyone knows you have to line the blueberries up in the holes before you can eat your waffles!

31 thoughts on “Post 1655: how to eat blueberries on waffles…

    • They are appearing in the market here just now at reasonable cost. That is to say a lot but for twice as many as they were selling for the same price just a short time ago. It would be nice to have them growing here like they do where you are!

          • They don’t get to eat human food. I’m very adamant about that! And you are right about chocolate: potentially fatal for cats. (Of course, they beg for my food, but I keep kitty treats on hand that I distribute a few at a time so they don’t feel too left out.) Andy is a particularly persistent beggar and has his “pathetic mrow” patented, I’m sure. It is so sad, I think anyone who didn’t know his game would overlook the fact that he is perfect weight for his age and frame. Yep, suck in that tummy, Andy! Your game is up!

          • LOL Pyshka seems to be always hungry. we think it’s because she had survived on the street without mama for a while. We picked her up when she was about 4 weeks (estimated by us and the vet), and she was starved! I have never seen a cat gobble up food like that and make those sounds! Now she eats non-stop, and she is HUGE for her age. Not fat, but big. As to human food, she seems to be a vegan. While the other two are interested in meat and fish and have to be chased away, she tries to steal salad greens from the spinner and fresh herbs drying on the counter. Very politically correct, this girl!

    • Great! I literally dreamed this post up. When I woke up this morning, I recalled a dream where I posted this pair of Dougy photos with the waffles, and it worked out better than I thought it might.

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