08May20: gmail fail me now…


Periodically, gmail quirks refuse to allow photos to be received from my smartphone. It is frustrating, makes me sad because that’s how I update this blog. (I’ll never use that feature of my smartphone to modify a photo with googly eyes, whatever, again. I promise!)

After lots of futzing around, the damn, erm, dam broke. These photos of Andy checking for bunnies or fellow cats in the night outside the apartment looked better in b&w, so that’s what you get today.


That and this Andy headshot without the googly eyes.

17 thoughts on “08May20: gmail fail me now…

    • LOL! Maybe I should post the original photo so people can see just what ugly color that particular artificial light gives to his coat.

    • Thanks! I thought the b&w version was a good improvement over the color, which had a weird color cast I wasn’t able to edit away.

    • I should use them more often. The kitty boys’ fur color never photographs well in artificial light, the most frequent lighting source I have.

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