Post 738: Computer issues, mayhem, and cats run amok…!

When I left my computer last night, it was updating 136 items, so “[d]o not turn off your computer”. I went to bed, and left the machine to do its tedious updates. I’d had enough of this computer stuff for the day, what with several attempts — all failures — to do a back up of my files.

I tried several different suggestions you made, in fact, and the last one of copying files manually looks like a winner…if I use a memory stick since the files (videos, photos) really eat up the memory.

What popped up on my screen when I turned my PC on this morning.

What popped up on my screen when I turned my PC on this morning.

Ugh! Not only were there over 100 updates, amazing in itself considering I’d run updates several times this past week when the computer “told” me they were there to do.

Now it “told” me it failed to update, so it was undoing whatever it tried to do. That is, I couldn’t use the computer for anything useful until it finished! (After several minutes, I was so tempted to turn it off that I knew it was best I leave the area, which I did.)


My late mother was a school teacher. She often commented on the relationship between naughtiness in children and weather changes. We had a weather change — lots of rain yesterday — and the cat brothers were wound up.

How wound up? For one thing, one of the window screens was pulled down, evidence of a cat climbing the screen to escape his brother who was chasing him.

Mayhem! Most likely Andy pulled it down since he's my screen climber.

Mayhem! Most likely Andy pulled it down since he’s my screen climber.

Computer down.  Window screen down. What else was in store for me?


I pulled out the laptop, turned it on, and found I still fight the new OS to get simple tasks done. On the other hand, after failing to make much progress on the laptop, I looked back to see the PC was ready to be used.

I turned the laptop off for another day when I’m in a better, more open-minded mood for change, and climbed back on the old horse I knew would probably fail me but in more familiar ways.



Once I came across a cynical saying attributed to a Nantucket sea captain:

Most people don’t care about your problems,

and the rest are damn glad of them.


When I get in a funk like this morning’s, I like to remind myself of that saying. Not that I necessarily believe it is true, but that most people prefer positive people. Try to stay positive even on the blackest days, I remind myself, and…! Heck if I know. But it does seem to help lighten the mood, though my social life remains pretty much the same. 🙂

In the spirit of positivity, I add this photo of Dougy checking out the effects of the rain yesterday day and this morning.

Dougy knows he slip[ped outdoors without permission, but he had to see what happened after the rain!

Dougy knows he slipped outdoors without permission, but he had to see what happened after the rain!

After suffering through the woes of Douglas (the human one), the least I can do is give you a cute kitty photo to end your misery!

Thank you for sticking with me while I suffer the vicissitudes of computers. I respect you too much to get into the latest issue: a printer that refuses to communicate with my PC and vice versa.