Post 520: a little morning drama

Andy trusted me too much, too long, and I easily snatched him right by the computer desk, just before he sneaked into his hidey hole. It took little effort today to give him his medicine, and he was a very good boy about it. Maybe the tuna flavor of the new batch of medicine made the difference!

That said, he still ran off to hide under the computer desk at the first chance after I gave him his medicine.

Andy hurried away from the scene. Medicated, he no longer wanted anything to do with weggieboy! Dougy hopped up[ on the settee for a better view.

Andy hurried away from the scene. Medicated, he no longer wanted anything to do with weggieboy! 

Dougy wanted to get in on the excitement, you bet! He hopped up on the settee for a better view.

Dougy watches Andy for Andy's next move... from the comfort of the little plastic tub.

Dougy watches Andy for Andy’s next move… from the comfort of the little plastic tub.

Andy prepares to hide, and Dougy watches for Andy’s next move. 

Dougy took up watch at the back door. Andy went into seclusion, under the computer desk. Of course! That's his usual hidey hole!

Dougy took up watch at the back door. Andy went into seclusion, under the computer desk. Of course! That’s his usual hidey hole!

What? Dougy looked at the camera long enough for me to take a soft-focus glamour shot! What a handsome boy he is! (Andy is,too, but that photo didn’t turn out.)

"Glamour Puss"

“Glamour Puss”

I did call this a “little morning drama”, right? What did you expect? A kitty replay of WAR AND PEACE? 😉