Post 890: …busy, busy, busy

What a morning! I decided to update my pc to Windows 10 from the perfectly workable Windows 7 that it came with. What a soul-sucking, tedious, mind-numbing process that turned out to be!

I didn’t see any particular reason to do this other than it is free now and probably will cost something to do later. I haven’t explored Windows 10 yet so have no sense of whether it is an improvement or just something one needs to do before Windows 7 no longer is supported by Microsoft. 

I still have my laptop to update to Windows 10. Fewer files, newer operating system (Windows 8), and no urgency to complete the job means I can start the process and walk away from it till it completes its course.


That noted, let’s get on with the kitty boys update!

Handy Andy!

Handy Andy!

You know Andy was a very bad boy yesterday. He didn’t coöperate with his tormentor, me, and take his medicine like a big boy. I spent at least two hours trying to catch the little bugger, and he evaded me very effectively each time.

Then, when I headed off to bed, I saw him resting on top of my pc, one of Andy’s favorite perches. I simply walked over to him, picked him up (no struggle!), and walked him over to the chair where I give him his medicine.

Less than five minutes from start to finish, I caught Andy, gave him his medicine, and set him down on the floor for his kitty treat for being a “good enough” kitty. (He wasn’t a really good kitty, after all!)

Andy doesnt take his medicine with grace...

Andy doesn’t take his medicine with grace…

It wasn’t all tedium this morning, however. The boys and I had lots of fun with their favorite Neko wand toy. I wore them out with play, and they are taking their morning naps now. Of course!
