Post 1136: patiently waiting for kitty food…

Andy and Dougy are pretty good about waiting for kitty food time. They have no choice! Anyway, as soon as I get back home, they are waiting by the door, meowing and acting like their stomachs are collapsed from lack of food. Sure, they look fat since they are Persians, but they are, in fact, just right for their age and species, according to their veterinarian. Of course, that doesn’t mean they don’t want that kitty food  ~ NOW!

Andy's ready for kitty food.

Andy’s ready for kitty food.

Dougy's ready, too!

Dougy’s ready, too!

Dougy waits patiently.

Dougy waits patiently. Andy hops on his box. It’s by the refrigerator and that’s where the kitty food is!

"Well??? Where's the kitty food?" Yes, I fix them their kitty food, then I can do what else I need to do!

“Well??? Where’s the kitty food?”
Yes, I fix them their kitty food, then I can do what else I need to do!