Benji is One!

Benji’s growing up so fast! I’m pleased to reblog this post so you know how things are going for him. Benji is one of my favorite Internet dog buddies. Ms. Zulu (his companion in real life) and Maggie are a couple others.

Post 1151: “He’s looking at me…!”

Dougy gets upset when Andy comes near his ottoman, and Andy gets upset when Dougy gets too close to the stacked carriers he likes to use for a sleeping platform.

Though they don’t look to me to resolve their conflicts, they often turn these “intrusions” into a reason to chase the other brother all over the apartment till both are tired or bored with the game. 


“What’s the matter, Dougy?!”


“Andy’s looking at me!!!” 


“You are a big baby, Dougley!  Can’t you see I’m looking at the human?”


“Well, you might be looking at me….!”  

Sometimes I think my cats are like children.