Post 1244: “Snoopy is a dog…”

Dougy is perpetually curious about everything. The in joke is that he’s an inside kitty because if he were let out, he’d follow his nose to Fargo before he looked up.


Snoopy is a dog. Dougy is snoopy. Therefore, Dougy is a dog!

LOL! (That’s what I say to him when he’s snooping around. He hates it!)

Well, today, Dougy was true to form. What had his curiosity…?


"What?! What!? What!?" Dougy must know.

“What?! What!? What!?”

Goodness! Such an intense curiosity about something on the light stand...!

Goodness! Such an intense curiosity about something on the light stand…!

Yes, it was my cup of coffee. "Kitties don't like coffee, Dougy, no matter what you see in 'Garfield'."

Yes, it was my cup of coffee. “Kitties don’t like coffee, Dougy, no matter what you see in ‘Garfield’.”

Never mind. Dougy didn’t want to drink the coffee, he just wanted to know what was in the cup in case it was for kitties.

You never know, eh? It could have been for kitties! Dougy must know.