Post 1676: upset Dougy…!


Dougy’s a bit crabby today. That’s his “Endless Pain For All Who Mess With This Tough Kitty Paw of Total Annihilation” pointed directly at me! I brushed him a little too hard, and a nice clump of matted hair pulled out. Oops!


Andy tells his brother “Mrow~meow~mew~mrow!”, which, for those of you who don’t know Cattinese, translates more or less, sometimes if not, and kinda as: “Kill, brother! Kill! They are made of meat, you know!” or, depending on inflection and the humidity, may actually mean: “He didn’t mean to do it, brother! And he controls the treats!”

Either way, Dougy is upset and Andy is trying to calm the waters…or…start a murder frenzy!