Post 1692: Andy’s a bit under the weather…or is he?


Andy looked rough this morning. Though his forehead feels cool, he acts like he doesn’t feel well. You know cats: It is difficult to tell for sure. I’ve seen a bit of diarrhea on the floor in the bathroom the last day or so, but couldn’t attach it to one or the other cat. Until this morning, neither looked nor acted like they might feel unwell. Andy, in addition to looking a bit rough, smells a bit like poop, like he hasn’t been able to get all the diarrhea out of his tail feathers.  


Dougy was on the back of the computer chair while I tried try to determine how Andy felt. Dougy lets me brush him so looks much better groomed, of course, than his brother.

This looks a bit strange, but when I “scritched” the newly brushed Andy at the base of his tail, he did what he always does: He wrapped his tail around my arm. I then “scritched” up and down his spine, something both kitty boys love, love, love. I hope Andy feels better for it.

Poor kitty! I hope he feels better when I get home from dialysis, that he’s just tired or not seriously sick. If not, I will try to get him in for a check up by his veterinarian. I feel bad that I can’t just skip dialysis and care for Andy’s needs.



[As soon as I got home from dialysis, I took Andy in for an exam. It turned out he is very sick indeed, with high blood pressure and a urinary tract infection. His veterinarian put him on a new blood pressure medicine and gave him an injection for the infection. I left him over night at the clinic. They will give me a call Friday morning to let me know how he is. Poor Dougy has been sniffing all over the apartment, trying to figure out where Andy is. I’ve held him a lot more today than ever, trying to reassure him things are OK. I will keep you updated on Andy.]