Post 1113: Dougy finds “it”, whatever “it” is…

One has to be careful not to leave anything out that a cat might find interesting. That is to say, if you value it, stow it! Likewise, one has to be careful not to leave anything out that a kitty boy might play with and chew, something that isn’t good for the cat and might harm him. Today, it was a dropped wrapped hard candy. I didn’t find it, but Dougy did!

I noticed Dougy playing with something behind the glider.

I notice Dougy playing with something behind the glider.

What's that!?

What’s that!? Dougy bats it with increased intensity.

Better than a Birbug? I doubt it, bit it had Dougy's attention, all right!

Better than a Birbug? I doubt it, but it has Dougy’s attention, all right!

I hate to stop Dougy's play....

I hate to stop Dougy’s play….

...but he looks like he's about to chew on it. I take it from Dougy and put it in the trash.

…but he looks like he’s about to chew on it. I take it from Dougy and put it in the trash.

Of course, it took no time at all for Andy to stop by, knock over waste paper basket, and find the candy! I have to take it away from him, too.

Of course, it took no time at all for Andy to stop by, knock over waste paper basket, and find the candy! I have to take it away from him, too.

31 thoughts on “Post 1113: Dougy finds “it”, whatever “it” is…

  1. We had a cat who would pounce on the fish oil capsule if we happened to set it down to get some water. If we weren’t quick enough, it’d be punctured before we got it back.

  2. I really hate housework, which is why having cats is a blessing in disguise. Diligence is required because so many tiny things we might drop are bad for them. like an Advil or a vitamin. As the boys demonstrated so well, if it’s there they will find it. Tell Andy wastebasket dumping is for dogs, cats are not supposed to stoop to that. It was an LOL moment for me though.

    • Unfortunately, just because Andy and Dougy are pedigree Persians doesn’t mean they are above behaving like dogs and knocking over the wastepaper baskets! I was shocked the first time I witnessed the little darlings doing this!

    • He’s not telling me, but I do know the little rascal turned the waste paper basket over again today, now he’s meowing at me and putting his front paws on my leg. “What do you want, Andy?” I ask him, but he’s not saying!

    • Quite by accident, I’m sure! Actually, there was a bag of trash and the candy in the trash at that time. Once he got the bag out of the way, the candy was a no brainer for a clever kitty!

  3. Isn’t this the truth…if there is something they shouldn’t have, that one thing has their immediate attention. I drop pills at times….my hands don’t close properly and you better believe Shoko comes out of nowhere to find this pill. I have some pills that roll, these are a favourite. However she doesn’t appear interested in biting them. I take no chances and once she’s pointed them out..they are put away.

    I’m sure Dougy and Andy are wondering why you don’t have wrapped kibble treats? haha


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