Post 1574: Whew! Will Dougy get his worst kitty on..?


Dougy can’t miss that tantalizing tail! Swish~swish~swish!


Naughty thoughts torment our sweet Dougy! 

(“Don’t do it, Dougley! Don’t do it!” says the Angel Kitty on his right shoulder. The Devil Kitty on his left shoulder has a different idea. “But you can get away with it Douglas! Andy’s nearly asleep!”)


He makes a decision, perhaps not the smart one..! (What do you think Dougy will do?)


Andy’s kitty sense tells him Dougy’s interested in his tail so…


…he reminds Dougy that he has those pointy things on the end of his toes, too! “Do not pounce on my tail, buster!”


Dougy is seconds away from pouncing on Andy’s tail. Nanoseconds! Fortunately, Andy decides to head out to the kitty food place for a midday snack. It was close, Dougy Boy! Very close! Fortunately, you listened to your better angel!