Post 2156: kitty burrito…

It was veterinarian appointment day on the 14th. Charlene didn’t have any problem coaxing Andy out of the carrier or weighing him.

He was a little less happy about this part!

Checking his heart…

…then getting ready to make a break for it when he realizes something he really, really, really hates is about to happen!

Yes, the dreaded blood pressure checks! Here the storyboard breaks down: Andy had a major kitty tantrum, lashing out and trying to bite.

I suggested the kitty burrito approach, swaddling him in a towel. That worked as far as the tantrum issues went, but his blood pressure was out of sight – above 200 systolic on all measurements!

Of course, he’s still going to be on medication, though I’m sure a lot of the high blood pressure isn’t related to a medical condition. I did suggest the blood pressure part of the appointments, in future, be done first. It might not show his blood pressure in the normal range, but I suspect it would be at a healthier level than it was today.


His new medication will be both the current ones in a gel I rub inside his ear.