Post 391: things are coming together

After a couple of weeks of chaos and shocking mail, things are beginning to sort themselves out. I took the screen from the front door and two others Andy damaged with his climbing to the lumber yard this morning, and get to pick them up, fresh and repaired, this afternoon.

andy's tail 2

[The screen behind these broken blinds hiding Andy is also at the lumber yard for repairs.]

I picked up some cat litter. The boys go through it, let me tell you. It’s like babies: How can anything so sweet make such a nauseating pile of it?! They never learned the fine art of burying their poop from their mother, and make a half-hearted effort. If I saw it in the yard, I’d think, “The neighbor’s dagnab spaniel’s been here again! Grrr!”

Because I had to review a menacing piece of mail with the accounting person at the care center, I was there on a Wednesday at BINGO time. I used to go over on BINGO days when my parents were residents there. That gave us some family time together. It gave me another way to volunteer, too, because I’d help residents with poor eyesight or other difficulties play.

After Mom died, it was difficult to go there because I had to walk past the rooms Mom and Dad occupied to get to the activities room. Today, though, I helped an old friend with his BINGO, had some lovely conversations with old friends among the residents and staff, and cleared up a couple of issues. The menacing news from Blue Cross/ Blue Shield turned out to be stupid redundancy that serves no purpose but to alarm people not directly involved in an issue (me) with a shocking five-digit number. I hate insurance companies for this sort of mindlessness.


[A 2009 Chevrolet Impala gets me around, and actually gets the same mileage as my first car, a 1970 VW Beetle.]

I refueled my car. I remember how shocked I was the first time I had a car that held enough gasoline that (in 1973) could run up to the staggering total of $10 to top the tank. At $3.549 a gallon today at my local station, I reached $10 at 2.817695 gallons, if you want to know exactly. Topping my 2014 tank would cost $56.78!

And what about those three screens I had repaired? I picked them up this afternoon and paid $12.17 total. Now, that was a bargain! I guess I keep the cat.

screen bill 4-30-14

Finally, now that I seem to have resolved the WordPress issue that plagued me earlier, I took some time to rewrite the awkward passages so normal native English speakers don’t report me to the Immigration and Naturalization people as an alien. Could happen in a week like this one…!

Post 390: the screen door

Andy may have had a bad time closed between the screen and storm doors yesterday, but he put up a fight:

andy tried to get out

Post 389: trouble comes in threes

Yesterday was rough. Bad weather, bad news in the mail, bad happenings.

I’ll spare you the weather talk. We Nebraskans love to “talk weather”, but who wants to endure another thought about recent Winter-like weather?

And the bad news in the mail is something like a piece of snot on the end of your finger you can’t flick off or find a Puffs® tissue to wipe it in. Someday, I might laugh about it, but not just yet.

But the last thing — bad happenings — involves poor Andy!

I recently posted photos showing how he’s become interested in something in the threshold of the front door, and how he sniffs or licks it from one side to the other.

andy sniffs air 3 4-25-14

[Andy, doing whatever he’s doing these days in the threshold.]

When I opened the door on the dour Winter weather we’re having here in Western Nebraska to take the bad news out of the mail, I didn’t notice Andy’d slipped in behind me and was sniffing or licking whatever he sniffs or licks in the threshold. Yep! I closed him in between the screen and storm doors, where he stayed for at least an hour.

I heard occasional cat meowing, but couldn’t decide where it was coming from. It was faint, so I thought it was outdoors. It continued. I still couldn’t decide where it came from.

I took some dirty dishes to the sink, then stopped to pet Dougy, who was stressed out about something and was pacing back and forth by the door. I finally realized the meowing was behind the door, and opened the door to find poor, frightened, cold Andy climbing the screen to try to find a way out of his mess.

2011-01-01 Andy in window and on desk 004

[Soon, Andy was asleep on his usual computer desk spot.]

I pulled him off the screen, snuggled him to warm him up and to reassure him, then gave him some treats to make up for his ordeal. Dougy was still frightened, and of me! I felt like bawling, I felt so bad for both my boys. And me, frankly. It was an awful day.

Within the hour, though, both boys were back into their routines, though Andy was a bit more of a snuggle bunny than usual, letting me hold him longer than usual. I may have shut him in between the doors, but he saw me as the one who let him out! Whew! Dougy quickly came around after he saw his brother was OK and I snuggled him, too.

You know what they say: “Trouble comes in threes.” Of course, there’s always “All’s well that ends well,” too.

Post 388: “Snow, snow go aw…! Oh! You did!”

It started to snow late yesterday afternoon. It looked like the real deal, sled weather, so to speak.

sbow 3 4-27-14

It was falling hard and fast. The boys were wound up, thanks to the low pressure system associated with the storm, and Andy, who usually is curious about the outside but reluctant to get too close to that invisible barrier that separates the safety of “home” from the unknown of “outside”, actually looked like he wanted to take a walk outside.

Yesterday afternoon, Andy looked like he might take a walk outside. He was excited by the snow.

Yesterday afternoon, Andy looked like he might take a walk outside. He was excited by the snow.

Andy had to check for snow, too, this morning when we looked outside.

Andy had to check for snow, too, this morning when we looked outside.

When we got out of bed this morning, I expected to find some drifts or something to make a dramatic statement about how much snow we had: It barely left evidence it’d been on the ground. Aw!

Dougy, a bit ruffled from sleep, actually didn't want to look outside. He's my Adventure Kitty, so it surprised me that he stood back.

Dougy, a bit ruffled from sleep, actually didn’t want to look outside. He’s my Adventure Kitty, so it surprised me that he stood back.

Well, we checked it out. Nothing left to do but eat and sleep. Cats have their priorities, too. Dougy and I would play a bit later, but Andy chose to wait till I got on the computer to hop up on the desk for a snooze.

My sleepy boy, Andy!

My sleepy boy, Andy!

The sun’s up. I think I’ll clean the boy’s water fountain and replace the filter this morning.

Post 387: …driving me nuts…!

I don’t know what’s gotten into the cat brothers today, but they are driving me nuts!

Andy chasing Dougy; Dougy chasing Andy. Random thumps and crashes. Somebody’s climbing the screen in the dining room! A sound like Cain murdering Abel; another like the ghost of Abel murdering Cain!

GEEZ! Cut it out, boys! Someone will get hurt! [Dougy calmly walks by with a tuft of Andy fur in his mouth…!]

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Finally, we settled down, though Andy’s sneaking around, either looking for trouble or trying to spot it before it finds him. Now, he’s resting near me, a neutral spot both use when trying to make best use of this monster they live with.

The monster they live with.

The monster they live with.

I may be old, but I DO have a purpose!

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My late mother was a teacher. She noted children were most wound up on days a cold front rolled it. Yep! Guess what’s happened here today. (I just answered my question about what’s gotten into them, too. Neat.)

The rainbow behind this cloud is that Andy, the sick one with the heart murmur and the daily dose of medicine, ran like the wind, kept up with his brother Dougy, and was none the worse for it.

He has a veterinarian’s appointment in May to evaluate how he’s doing, but my unofficial evaluation is he’s doing quite well indeed!

Post 386: What’s the kerfuffle about this time, boys?

Yesterday afternoon was exciting times for the boys. The UPS delivery person brought a package. Both Andy and Dougy had to know what was in it.

Boys! Boys! Boys! Wait a moment and I'll have it unwrapped so you both can see!

Boys! Boys! Boys! Wait a moment and I’ll have it unwrapped so you both can see!

Dougy won that round, and wasted no time examining the bubble-wrapped contents of the box.

Peek-a-boo! Dougy examines the bubble-wrapped flats.

Peek-a-boo! Dougy examines the bubble-wrapped flats.

My boy Andy used the lull in the conflict to do the one thing both brothers wanted most to do:

Just right!

Just right!

Yes, he tried out the box.

What’s the kerfuffle about this time, boys? Little did they know it was an order of canned cat food. The whole package was for them!

Post 385: You gotta have a cat post, too!

I guess today is a bonus post day, which makes up for no-post days. The second post, of course, needs to be a cat post because you gotta have a cat post, too!

This was a lazy day at home. I had a headache, so I took some aspirin and a morning nap. (I feel rested and free of the headache, thank you very much!)

Dougy on the cat tree. His horns are up. You never know if that means he's been, is, or is about to be ornery. Or all the above!

Dougy on the cat tree. His horns are up. You never know if that means he’s been, is, or is about to be ornery. Or all of the above!

The boys snoozed away the morning, too. Or at least I think they did. I’ll check the house for evidence of cat naughtiness later, but there isn’t anything too obvious yet!

Dougy heard me rustling, so came running into my bedroom for a little lovin’. He’s my hug-a-buddy cat, is really into that walking back and forth on my bed while I pet his back and scratch his whiskers and ears. Purr~purr~purr! Happy paws, too after his motor’s revved up to full speed. It’s our mutually agreeable happy little wake up ritual!

Andy likes to sleep on the towel I put on the floor in front of my shower. That was where he was when I got up. He’s more reserved, but he lets himself go into a purr when he gets his ears scratched and the petting I give him, too. His response is just less, well, adoring! He has his standards, and grovelling like a sycophant – or a Dougy!- is not his style.

I opened the door, and Andy ran over to breathe in all the scent messages of the neighborhood.

I opened the door, and Andy ran over to breathe in all the scent messages of the neighborhood.

Lately, when I open the door, Andy becomes very excited about what he sniffs outside. I don’t know if a cat’s been visiting and leaving a message (possible) or he’s just excited because there are many interesting secrets on the spring air. Regardless, when the door opens, he rushes into the corner, then moves from one side to the other sniffing.

andy sniffs air 3 4-25-14

andy sniffs air 4 4-25-14

andy sniffs air 5 4-25-14

There you go! Well, there Andy goes! And he is unhappy with me because I don’t open the door.

Ew! Is daddy's little boy pouting? You have your pouty-face on!

Ew! Is daddy’s little boy pouting? You have your pouty-face on!

Let’s get a closer look at that pout:

Andy will get over it. If not, he knows where I sleep...!

Andy will get over it. If not, he knows where I sleep…!

Yes, it was a quiet day at home.

Post 384: Arbor Day 2014

I don’t agree much with Nebraska Senator Mike Johanns, but we do agree on one thing: we are very proud of the Nebraska tradition of tree planting and that Arbor Day started here in Nebraska City, Nebraska!

Here is the e-mail greeting Senator Johanns sent out today:

arbor day

The link in the greeting, of course, won’t work, so I’ve attached on below:

If I told you there is a place called the Nebraska National Forest, if you don’t live here and have an image of the state as some vast flat hay meadow, you’d probably laugh. Yet there is such a place, and it is a wonderful recreation place for hunters, hikers, birders, and others who enjoy the out-of-doors.‎

Plant a tree!

Post 382: Andy finds the ‘nip





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This year, Nebraska voters who registered as “Nonpartisan” can ask to get ballots that allow them to vote in the primary on the Democratic Party ballots as a “Nonpartisan-Democrat”. One other party (I think a libertarian party, but don’t recall) allows Nonpartisans to vote on their primary ballots, too. The Republican Party doesn’t allow Nonpartisans to vote on their primary ballots.

I voted 4-23-14

I voted 4-23-14

I don’t know that there is any particular benefit to approaching the primary either way, but am glad I had a chance to vote for actual people in state-level positions for a change without having to register for one of two parties I don’t particularly identify with.

I mean, I’m conservative on some issues, liberal on others, and centrist on most. Today’s parties are too polarized to include me. As a person registered as a Nonpartisan, voting in the primary was a waste of time and money for the county and me: Last time, I had exactly one thing to vote on, and it was something related to regional Natural Resources District policies or something. (I had no horse in that race.)