Post 1045: trash diving…

There are certain behaviors I didn’t associate with cats until I got Andy and Dougy. Butt sniffing, for example. They do it, you know! And trash diving…!

Yes, trash diving. The first time I observed this in cats, the bad kitty was Dougy. Then I observed Andy do it. What?!

I hear a rustle on my left...!

I hear a rustle on my left…!

Hey! Hey! Hey! Get out of there, Andy! Kitties don't trash dive! (Well, I don't think they do.)

Hey! Hey! Hey! Get out of there, Andy! Kitties don’t trash dive! (Well, I don’t think they do.)

Andy hears it differently. "Do you want kitty food, Andy?" he thinks he heard, so he heads for the refrigerator.

Andy hears it differently. “Do you want kitty food, Andy?” he thinks he heard, so he heads for the refrigerator.

"Kitty food! Kitty food! Kitty food!" Andy has his priorities!

“Kitty food! Kitty food! Kitty food!” Andy has his priorities! I feed the kitties and the trash diving stops for the day.