Post 360: No! Snow!

“March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb“.

Or comes in like a lamb and leaves like a lion.

Or comes in like a lion, is a lion off and on during the month, and leaves like a lion: Today is another snow day in Western Nebraska!

Andy isn't sure if he wants to get closer to see the snow out the front door.

Andy isn’t sure if he wants to get closer to see the snow out the front door.

Um...! No thanks, says Andy. Dougy's on the cat tree trying to decide if he wants to look outside or not.

Um…! No thanks, says Andy. Dougy’s on the cat tree trying to decide if he wants to look outside or not.

Andy looks out his favorite window roost...snow there, too!

Andy looks out his favorite window roost…snow there, too!

What Andy saw.

What Andy saw.

Dougy (front) beckons Andy to come see the snow out the back door. (Neither moves from his warm spot in this photo, though.)

Dougy (front) beckons Andy to come see the snow out the back door. (Neither moves from his warm spot in this photo, though.)

It's blowing hard, but not at blizzard speeds...yet!

It’s blowing hard, but not at blizzard speeds…yet!

Either they've seen it before or they don't want to see it again: The snow continues to accumulate!

Either they’ve seen it before or they don’t want to see it again: The snow continues to accumulate!

14 thoughts on “Post 360: No! Snow!

    • I’m a meanie: The boys aren’t allowed outside, though I have allowed Dougy small excursions while I supervised him closely. Andy finds the great out-of-doors too scary to risk. Dougy has concerns, but stays close to the house if he gets a little freedom (very little!). I live too close to two major roads and an elementary school to feel comfortable letting them rove. Besides, I want them around for a long, long time!

    • Dougy usually likes to step out just long enough to re-establish snow is wet. (Ick!) Andy generally is satisfied to check it out from afar. The almost traded behaviors yesterday. DOugy never did get close enough to re-experience snow, and Andy kept looking out windows. Of course, there is a rose bush where sparrows shelter outside the window in the north bathroom, and Andy can see the birds (if not the bush) fr=lying to and from the bush in the window above.

  1. It’s been a rotten winter. Another couple of weeks, though, and the boys will have lots of birds and squirrels and whatnot too see out those windows. Hang in there, guys!

    • I’m not going out myself! That’s the single best thing about being retired: You don’t have to get up in the dark and drive through a snow drift (with luck!) to get to work.

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