Post 1035: To Scottsbluff for port maintenance…

Dialysis is pleasant enough, but the port used till the dialysis fistula matures is a pain. Mine needs a “tune-up”, which I have to go to Scottsbluff, 57 miles away, this morning. The surgeon will give me a local block. I don’t think they will knock me completely out unless they replace it. I wanted to drive my new car down, but they told me they’d do the procedure without pain-killer if I did….! (A pretty effective way to getting me to do what they want!)

Could have been worse, though. If the port had failed to work at all, the hospital here would have sent me to Scottsbluff by ambulance since it would have been a medical emergency instead of just a pain in the butt slow drawing port.

On the kitty front, both Andy and Dougy woke me up hours before the crack of dawn. Andy stared at me. Dougy kneaded me and purred in great contentment. I skritched Andy’s chin like he likes it and pet Dougy from nose to tail the way he likes it. What else could I do? They held me captive in my own bed!

Well, Andy's no more suspicious than usual. Trust me!

Peek-a-boo! Andy sees me!

The emperor...!

Dougy will fill his boxes!

50 thoughts on “Post 1035: To Scottsbluff for port maintenance…

  1. Glad all went smoothly and you could uupdate the medical staff on your celebrity kitties. I understand the captive thing, Simba andher sister Misun like to sprawl on either side of me trapping me under the blankets. I feel like Gulliver in Lilliput.

  2. I didn’t know about ports until I was a fairly regular person at the IV Clinic. There are several peeps that have these ports. Some look like a real inconvenience but they are optimistic about them.


    • They do require care to assure the site doesn’t become infected. People like me, with cats, also don’t want to let their kitties see the catheter ends hanging loose or they risk getting their kitties all excited for an unfortunate kitty game…! LOL!

  3. Well, I hope the tune-up they did on your port does the trick and it works well for your next dialysis, and all the rest of them until your fistula matures.

    • Me, too. Though it isn’t a difficult trip this time of year (aside from a patch of road work toward the end of the trip), it is half a day spent getting it done. If my port failed completely (which it did back in March), I would be forced to take an ambulance ride over there because of a “medical emergency”. Ugh! That’s about $400 to ride 57 miles, one way.

  4. I hope your drive to Scottsbluff went well !
    I thought the fistula was done but not enough mature accordring what you say.
    The cats are guardian angels for you,Doug
    In friendship

    • It was uneventful, thank you! I have a few weeks to go before the fistula can be used. An ultrasound technician will make a record of how great the blood flow is and other critical details, and the surge=on will proclaim it ready or not to be used. That’ll be scheduled sometime in the middle of June. I am going to go from Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday AM dialysis to Monday-Wednesday-Friday PM because one of the nurses with the best level of skill using the fistula for dialysis works those days and hours. In wintertime, that will be a better time for me, too, because snow removal where I live isn’t complete (usually) until mid-morning.

    • I’m getting closer to having a mature fistula for dialysis. Though those can have issues, too – and I’m sure I will have them since it involves the vascular system and my primary health issue is a vascular disease called Wegener’s granulomatosis (if in remission) – the medical people assure me you can go years without any problems with them.

    • Thank you, Nia! It went well, and we (the medical staff and I) know each other so much that we had lots of laughs and friendly questions about how things went the past few weeks since we last saw each other. They know about my kitties, and I had to answer some questions about how Andy and Dougy reacted to me when I first got home after two months and a week away!

    • It was remarkably, um, fun! I know many of the nurses and the doctor by name, and we chatted back and forth throughout the set-up, procedure, and clean up. A good time was had by all! I hope the procedure was a success, of course, and will find out at dialysis tomorrow morning.

    • Thanks, Peggy! So do I, though I had a fun time today chatting with the nurses (many of whom I know from earlier fixes) and the doctor, starting before the procedure, throughout the procedure, and after the procedure. They knew about my cats, of course, since I talked incessantly about them when I was away from them for two months and a week, and asked how they handled my homecoming, among other questions. I had a good time, oddly!

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