Post 1392: What a wonderful day!

Dougy and I had a sweet time with a favorite wand toy early in the morning, and he enjoyed my enthusiastic “Good boy! What a clever kitty!” praise each time he snared the lure as it passed by.

Later, after the sun came up – yes, it was a sunny day! – Dougy lounged on the kitty lounger by the back door and enjoyed the warmth of the sun. I might add, it really, really, really showed how beautiful his ruff is at this point. Dougy and his brother are boy kitties, but I think they are just plain beautiful. Not handsome, beautiful!

Here’s another look at that ruff:IMG_20170514_091452 


Let’s not forget Andy. I tried to get a photo of him on the walker by the back door, but he was still a bit skittish because of the medicine episode documented in yesterday’s post. (This post and yesterday’s were both put together on the same day.) When I tried to get an angle that shows how pretty he is, he hopped off the little red chair and never did let me photograph him at his best.IMG_20170514_091856

Of course, after I came home after I took a little road trip to dry my car off after running it through the car wash, Andy greeted me at the door, all friendly and loving and huggable! I picked him up three different times, and he love, love, loved me rubbing his whiskers, nose, and tummy! The difference from when I tried to take his photo at a good angle? Beats me!