Post 1928: creepy eye…

Dougy rests peacefully till he is aware I’m about to take his photo…

…then he gives me the “Creepy Eye”, made worse in this instance because he hadn’t cleaned the goopy eye snot off his eyes yet. (Goopy eye snot – one of the charms of Persian kitties. Yup!)

21 thoughts on “Post 1928: creepy eye…

  1. Shoko is the same expecting the flash and I haven’t used it for years. The gobby eye snot was something Kali used to get after a sound sleep. She was white so maybe white and Persian cats get this. Tyebe is white also but no snot gets in her eyes. Perhaps as they age this is one of the perks. hehe


    • Eye snot is something I try not to be grossed out by. They take care of it, but it is possible to do it for them. I think there is more risk of hurting them though than they risk doing it themselves.

  2. andy N dougy; stopping bye with a hi de hoe
    copy N paste said letz give it a go
    wanna say HI & leeve a good werd
    de food gurlz werkz a big bass terd
    we hope this findz ewe doin swell
    santaz comin ring de Christmas bell
    sorree we haz ta uze copee N paste
    we gotta sneekz a round with out haste
    happee week if we due knot get bak
    N joy two day N eatz a snak ♥♥☺☺☺

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