Post 2214: Dougy’s eye…


Dougy doesn’t cooperate by facing the camera, but this gives you some idea (from yesterday) of the healing progress of his eye. He does hold it open all the way now (Sunday), and continues to be a good boy when it comes time for his medication.


The area around the eye looks a bit rough because of the antibiotic gel that gets on it. Dougy seems to understand the medication is good for him, which makes me think his eye feels better after I put it in his eye. He has five more treatments. 

19 thoughts on “Post 2214: Dougy’s eye…

    • He’s been a good kitty, even showing up at the right places at the right time so I don’t have to chase him around to medicate him. I did have one day he got under the guest bedroom bed twice that day, but I have a long walking stick from my birding (twitching) days that is an efficacious cat extraction tool! LOL!

    • Dougy is a good little patient, though he does try to hold the infected eye tightly closed when it’s medicine application time! (I just spread it open with my thumb and index finger.)

    • It’s encouraging how fast the antibiotic works, John. I hate to see him deal with these reoccurring infections, but it is his fate to have them periodically. He will have them all this life.

    • The treatments are nearly done, then it’s another trip to see Dr. Y. to verify the infections’s been dealt with. Poor Dougy will have these infections periodically as long as he lives.

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