29Jul20: settling in…

Andy prepares for a – what else? – cat nap.


 Looks like a good time and place…


…but Andy has to take one last look to be sure!


This photo is not new to Facebook people on my follow list, but to you on WordPress, thanks to the recent, too recent and still on-going laptop crisis. (Yeah, it always takes a burn in period to one is comfortable with how things operate and where things are on the new laptop.) Andy and I always make the best of close proximity and cement our love and trust for each other with a kitty head bump. Boop!


10 thoughts on “29Jul20: settling in…

    • I’m hyperventilating dealing with passwords that don’t work and photos that don’t pass from me phone to my Gmail account. I have two posts done, but may have to punt after that till I sort this nightmare out…

  1. Andy is a very particular kitty boy, always has been, so I bet that is the best, Michel! (How are you and Janine doing these days? The garden must be giving you fresh produce by now!)

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