Post 919: a cluttered desk and a pest…

Jean of The Canadian Cats thinks my desk is neat. I hate to be the one to dispel a positive thought, but my desk is a mess! And Dougy continues to be a pest on it!

A mess...!

A mess…!

Doesn't get neater looking forward.

Doesn’t get neater looking forward.

An old problem: Dougy comes by for some loving!

An old problem: Dougy comes by for some loving!

“You know the drill! Adore me! Pet me. How about a scritch, eh!?”
Dougy is of a mind!

Yeah, I can't refuse a reasonable expectation! I scritch and pet and love Dougy till he's bored with me and hops off the desk!

Yeah, I can’t refuse a reasonable expectation!
I scritch and pet and love Dougy till he’s bored with me and hops off the desk!