Post 2082: Persians mat like heck!

Athena, the kitty boy’s groomer, and I decided with the November 2018 appointment to think about letting the kitty boys go more Persian. The plan worked fairly well for three months, but the fourth month between grooming sessions, I started losing control of mats in their hair and started stepping in more poop that fell out of their floofy butts. Four months between grooming sessions is too long.


Andy is especially matted because he is less cooperative with brushing sessions than Dougy. I pull apart mats I find, but they form fast and easily in Andy’s really thick fur.


On the other hand, Dougy is tired of me pulling apart mats that formed on his chest and sides. The ones on his butt will takes shears for sure! They don’t show since his hair is so long now, so I missed them. (No, I generally don’t rub my hand over that part of the kitties! LOL! I probably need to get over my aversion to that.)

Andy and me.

Tomorrow is the next grooming appointment for the kitty boys. I made a commitment to four months between sessions for this year, so am pretty much stuck with that schedule, but the mat issue is big enough that I will try to get three months between sessions for 2020. In the meantime, I think I’ll have the kitties trimmed in teddy bear cuts for the summer tomorrow, which will take them till August’s appointment.

16 thoughts on “Post 2082: Persians mat like heck!

    • I’d say lucky for sure! The kitty boys’ tails have hair that doesn’t mat. On the other hand, their undercoats are so fine (cashmere-like) they are horrific when it comes to matting.

  1. Soothing soft word’s of comfort & ‘Vangelis’ or ‘Iso Tomita’ on the stereo (mellow) ‘ laid backside on pillow the 1¾ inch swath of the quiet ‘Walh’ clipper is real fast. After √ing you didn’t remove any thing the Vet missed while neutering cookie treats are a must 🐱

    • The kitty boys’ groomer tells me they were wewll-behaved, though they got a bit boired because it took longer than usual to trim them this time. On the other hand, they are the only kitties that particular groomer takes in as clients. That gives you a pretty good idea about how mild-mannered they are!

    • The teddy bear cut will take care of them. Thgat used top be what I got every time, but this e=xperiment with longer hair tells me I probably should have stayed with the old schedule and the shorter cut. If they were show cats, I might stay with the lonegr hair.

  2. My Snowball had the same problems with her long fur. I think they are more comfortable when you get them shaved for the summer.

    • I do, too. I do use the air conditioner for their comfort. (I’m no fan – no pun intended! – of air conditioning, but make the sacrifice for their sake.)

  3. I have to trim Washe’s butt every few months; when there’s an episode of the “star trek” thing
    {Circling Uranus and wiping out Klingon’s} 🐱 😉 (snake handler gloves required)

    • Speaking of barely missing stepping in cat poop, I think I need training in grooming long hairded cats. I have professional clippers (barely make a noise and handle the really fine hairt on cats…) but never had the courage to try trimming them. That butt floof, though…!

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