16Jul20: spider!

The latest excitement is a spider made a home in the stacked carriers. Dougy tried to catch it, but it ran around to a spot he couldn’t reach. Poor kitty! It is a big one, a nice kitty-sized snack!

There’s always the consolation head rub to make up for the missed snack. 



I’ve posted this “baby” picture of Dougy before. It’s the one I have hanging on my wall. Any time I was on my PC, Dougy was there, paw on my arm this way. It was was his favorite place to be. Awww!


I had posts up to Saturday prepared, not knowing Dougy’s fate yesterday. I decided to go ahead with the three, no changes if they featured Dougy. This is the last one featuring him prepared before he died. RIP Dougy.

32 thoughts on “16Jul20: spider!

    • Sometimes, I think I hear a soft meow by the side of my glide rocker, what Dougy used to do when he came into the room from that side. I always look, of course, and he’s never there, of course, yet it feels like he is. I have a few tears then, remembering a sweet kitty who is no more.

      • I find Mom tearing up still sometimes when she thinks of her kitties that went OTRB years ago. She says she cried for months after losing her last white Persian kitty in 2010, a couple of days after xmas. Like Dougy his death was sudden. She wrote a daily diary, and took photographs of kitties she saw on walks in the neighborhood – that helped her heal.

  1. I, I didn’t know what to say or how… I just cried so much dear Doug, you know how much I love your cats. RIP Dougy, I will always remember you. Much Love to you both dear Doug, you are in my thoughts. nia

    • It was a magic moment the first time the kitten Dougy did it. Until he outgrew the spot on the vdesk, he did this every time.

    • It looks like that process has begun. Dougy tended to regard me as his, though he never was jealous when Andy had his time with me.

  2. What wonderful memories, photos and videos you have of Dougy to remember him by! Our thoughts and prayers are with you and Andy, and the adventurous little Dougy over on the Rainbow Bridge. He’s probably enjoying some catnip with Freckles and Louie right about now. “Goodbyes are not forever, they are just until we meet again.” <3

    • I was to have the wee sweet kitty for all of his post-mommy life.Thank you. I am blessed with those memories just as I was to have him most of his life.

          • I agree. This communication has been especially helpful and welcome.

            During the self-imposed isolation the COVID-19 business requires, I am alone with my Andy most of the time. I have some social time at dialysis and the grocery store, pretty much it otherwise.

            That many of you have dogs, cats, other animal companions means a lot, too, since you have shared helpful personal experiences.

          • As a member of a pet therapy group visiting patients, I know all too well the impact of visits, even if they’re just digitally now. Stay safe, san and keep smiling. Norman and Elsa send their best tail wags to cheer you. 😍

  3. At first, I could find no way to comment, so I came back.
    Doug – you know how I felt about Dougy, so I apologize for now having the right words to say to you. He was a beautiful fella that we both loved dearly. He will live on in our hearts.

    • GP, you always were Dougy’s Nr. 1 fan, and anytime I felt I was favoring Andy more than Dougy, I’d try to do more Dougy because “What will GP think about so little Dougy lately?” Seriously! I appreciate anything you have to tell me at this sad time because I can read the love and sorrow in between the lines.

      • I lost my 18-year old, Leo, about 25 years ago. He resembled Dougy in many ways. No matter what herd of animals I had around me or how often I moved – Leo was the King. As you can tell, I will never forget him, so my words may not help you any with this void you are feeling now. But always feel free to talk to me about your emotions, that sometimes helps.

        • You know, I may just do that, GP. I talked with people about Dougy last time I was at dialysis and in written responses to condolences here and on Facebook. It definitely helped me work through the shock and emotion to a degree. I have a place in my heart for every animal I had as a child or adult, fron bunnies to dogs to turtles to lizards to fish to cats.

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