Post 2137: I learn a smart television trick…

When Dolly recommended a Russian series, little did I realize transferring the YouTube video to my smart television was as simple as tapping a little television icon on the YouTube video tagline and switching the television from a HDMI feed to one for YouTube. (Well, it is more simple than it sounds! Really!). That made watching the series easier and on a larger screen than my laptop. Just as interesting, for the kitty boys, I did this little trick with kitty videos. Andy swatted away at the television screen images faster than you can say “Andy”!


Though Dougy was interested in the videos, he also respected Andy’s territorial claim to the television stand. He watched from his ottoman. The kitty boys asked me to tell their Auntie Dolly “благодарю вас”, though it sounded more like “Meow!” to me. This new development amuses them!

Post 2097: morning ritual…

Andy snoops on the two Dougs. What’s up?

Yeah, that attention hound, Dougy, is making the other Doug “scritch” him! See that unfocused look of bliss?

Well, that was great while it lasted, but now Dougy needs to take a morning bath.

Washity-wash-wash-wash! Dougy gets it on! This will be one very clean kitty by the time he’s through!

No dignity here.

“Oh, brother!” Andy’s seen enough of this charade.

Post 802: Come on, boys! Let’s play!

Both Andy and Dougy seemed ready to play this morning, so I brought out a favorite Neko toy, one that is supposed to suggest a centipede.

Andy  contemplates the centipede...

Andy contemplates the centipede…

Dougy is soon??

Dougy is bored….so soon??

“Et tu, Andy?”

Good thing this isn't a video!

Good thing this isn’t a video! “Z-z-z-z-z-z…”

Andy's ready to take off. No fun here!

Andy’s ready to take off. No fun here!

You never know. I can’t believe the boys both weren’t in the mood to play. Maybe they wanted a different toy. Maybe they were up all night and just wanted to sleep. Maybe they both were upset with me because who knows what? It isn’t always fun and games with kitty cats!