Post 1257: What? Dougy is a toy piggy?!

Yes, Dougy stars again. Andy’s been sleepy and resting, sleeping, or just observing from the sidelines when I have the smart phone out to take photos.

Like this time, when Dougy brought me the mouse tail part of the Cat’s Meow toy neither particularly likes to play with. Dougy’s very excited, though, about the tail! And I’m impressed that he brings it to me.

With a little work, I’ll have him to fully retrieve it and bring it back to me. He’s getting close!


Woo hoo! Dougy's ready for Freddie, as we used to say in my family!

Woo hoo! Dougy’s ready for Freddie, as we used to say in my family!

Andy's watching, but he knows Dougfy is a toy piggy, and won't share.

Andy’s watching, but he knows Dougy is a toy piggy, and won’t share.

Pretty exciting now, but Dougy wants something more...!

Pretty exciting now, but Dougy wants something more…!

Andy wants to play. Dougy, of course, continues to hog the toy. He notices, Andy, though, so takes the rec;liner. Score two for Dougy! Andy lookeds like he wants to watch, now, from the recliner!

Andy wants to play. Dougy, of course, continues to hog the toy. He notices, Andy, though, so takes the recliner. Score two for Dougy! Andy looks like he wants to watch, now, from the recliner!

Yep, Dougy the toy piggy!


Andy will find something else to do. A nice kitty treat sounds good, so he prepares to go over to the kitty food area for a little cheer!